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Letter to the NA President
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“For Me Democracy is More Law than Exception”

On the occasion of the two-year anniversary of NA activity of the third convocation, Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA Speaker, on June 14 met the journalists. NA Speaker presented the summary of his two-year activity in this way:

- NA of the third convocation has convened 5 regular and 5 extraordinary sessions, 406 laws have been adopted during this period 85 of which are main laws and 321 - are amendments in the functioning laws. During these two years NA ratified 150 international agreements. It should be mentioned that during those hard two years NA implemented a wide range of legislative work and the adopted new laws are to fill the gap that we had in our legislation.

During those two years 257 meetings with representatives of international and non-governmental organizations, diplomats were held, 12 visits of official delegations headed by NA Speaker were organized, and speakers of the parliaments of 9 countries had official visits to Armenia. The analysis of these numbers show that we could sufficiently make active parliamentary diplomacy, make more effective and functioning the inter-parliamentary ties. From the viewpoint of the development of inter-state relations the activation of inter-parliamentary ties has an important significance because today in a fast-developing world the active parliamentary diplomacy is very important.

RA NA is already a member of PACE, OSCE, Inter-Parliamentary Union, CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, PABSEC Parliamentary Assembly, NATO, Frankofonie, CE Parliamentary Assembly, it will soon have a status of associated member in the Parliamentary Assembly of Western European Union. We should be able to actively support the favorable developments, the rise of international authority of our country of issues concerning Armenia in all those structures. It is obvious that the capitals of the whole world are not concerned with the problems of Armenia; we should be initiators for raising and solving the problems pressing our country and nation.

During those two years I have received more than 21000 letter-applications, which is also unprecedented comparing with the previous convocation. All those applications and letters were answered; all the applications have been dealt with. The issues that were possible to solve we have solved, the issues that were connected with making amendments in the laws have been done, we have also studied the personal problems, they’re under way.

During two years I have had 34 meetings in the regions, villages and towns of the republic, 21 meetings in Yerevan – in the National Academy of Sciences and in the institutes of the academy system, in higher educational institutions and schools, creative unions, enterprises. During all those meetings legislative problems concerning their work were discussed with the heads and employers, concrete issues were raised and solved within the possible limits.

During this period we have tried to make the parliament more open and public in its activity. Today schoolchildren, students, doctors, veterans, invalids, representatives of different social groups from the whole republic visit the parliament. 20 meetings with the journalists were held during two years, first time - at NA sitting I had annual address on NA activity. This year also the activity of the previous year will be presented.

In NA of the third convocation councils affiliated with NA Speaker were established for the first time, which work with the public and NGOs worried about different social key problems. With the help of those councils we could solve many problems that concern our nation. We already have the high estimations on the activity of the councils of both the public and international organizations.

Of course, it would be better if the opposition fully participated in the activity of the parliament, which will naturally make more effective our legislative activity. But I think we should continue our work in this direction for all factions and groups participate in the work of the parliament more effectively.

“Liberty” (“Azatutiun”) radio station, Ruzan Khachatryan

- Mr. Baghdasaryan, I have two questions. Do you intend establishing a branch of “Rule of Law” faction in Nagorno Karabakh and function actively? And the second question, as to the press, is it possible that during the next parliamentary elections “Rule of Law” sign an alliance with “Republican Party of Armenia”?

- Today “Rule of Law” actively fulfills its activity in Armenia. I think after the parliamentary election in Karabakh we would be able to discuss the issue of having a branch of our faction in NK. Now we do not have such an issue on our political agenda.

First, I am surprised with the fast-formed opinions. I have expressed my clear position for many times that I don’t think that the authority is always right and the opposition is always wrong. There are different opinions, if many representatives of the opposition expressed a positive opinion about RA President, you shouldn’t get into panic. People have seen the implemented work, expressed their viewpoints, I have appreciated all those people being of principle and honest in respect of the their estimations. There is no need to make further judgments. Today, we are not yet in a pre-electoral stage, when the time of elections come we will speak who with whom will sign an alliance or not.

“Yerkir Media”, Hovhannes Shoghikyan

- Mr. Baghdasaryan, during the meeting with the Turkish deputy you spoke about establishing ties between Armenian and Turkish youth under the auspices of the Armenian and Turkish youth parliaments. Whose initiative is that? And the second question, what is connected with the delay of the refusal connected with the publication of “Zaman”?

- First, the whole meeting with the Turkish delegation is recorded. Secondly, I am a person who by all means meets the Armenian Diaspora during all the visits, the Diaspora that has a great role in the strengthening of Armenia and should have a more serious role in the future. I do not want to comment such senseless news, as it is a simple insinuation and doesn’t correspond to the reality. Once I have said, do not dispute with the fool because people may not notice your difference.

As to the relations of the youth under the auspices of the parliaments, it was just a talk that the Armenian and Turkish youth meet; these meetings may be in NA and somewhere else. I will personally support that meeting if it takes place because I think that there are many difficult problems and we should solve those problems and not fight with those problems. It is very good that the Turkish deputy had meetings with the whole political field and discussed many problems. I think we should normalize our relations with Turkey but of course, not on the account of the national dignity of the Armenians. As to the Diaspora, I asked Turhan Comez when and why the 7mln Armenian Diaspora formed, he didn’t answer my question. Everyone can have its own viewpoint and make comments but I think that everyone, including your TV Company is well aware of my position concerning the problem.

“Morning” (Aravot), Margaret Yesayan

- Mr. Baghdasaryan, how do you explain “Rule of Law”- RPA conflict, which is becoming acute, is there any serious reason for the separation of territories or collision of some interests? Is it possible that it will become a reason for “Rule of Law” to get out of the coalition?

- I don’t think that Rule of Law-RPA relations are seriously acute, there was just mutual criticism of two officials. It is another problem that there is need to make it Rule of Law-RPA conflict. There is no such a conflict, there is criticism, and there have been answers. I think that it would be much better that we speak with each other not through the press but sit and talk together about those working problems that exist and try to solve them.

“Third Force” (Yerrord Uzh), Lily Martoyan

- Geopolitical developments lead to the fact that Armenia should finally lead either to the west or to Russia. Especially, when Vladimir Putin says that during the CIS last summit of he will put the issue of CIS. There is an issue of orientation. Finally, where is Armenia going and connected with the coming elections and the referendum of the Constitution, can it become the very serious impetus that will give birth to revolutionary situation that we are waiting?

- I have expressed my clear position, the future of Armenia I see in the big European family and we should be consistent in the way of European integration if we want to live in an open, free and civilized society. But this doesn’t mean that we should have bad relations with Russia. Russia is our friendly country. Today, 2.5mln Armenians live in the territory of the Russian Federation and today speaking about the consistent investment of the western values, deepening of European integration, development of Euro-Atlantic cooperation, making active EU-Armenia cooperation, this doesn’t mean that we should separate our relations, i.e. to separate everything in black and white as it is, unfortunately, often accepted in Armenia. Armenia should pursue balanced, purposeful foreign policy on the bases of which are the national, state interests of its country and nation. As to the reconstruction of CIS, I as the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, suggested in St. Petersburg as well. Now, a special working group is established on this issue. There is need to seriously reconstruct and change CIS. Here also Armenia has its participation – the legislative body at its level and the executive body at its level. As to local elections I have had a clear public initiative. If we want to go forward we should be able to organize the elections of local self-government bodies open, fair and transparent. We should make strict the responsibility for electoral crimes. The authority of a certain level cannot do any good for the nation. This is our position.

There are three issues of principle connected with the Constitution: separation of authorities, independence of judicial system and elections of the Mayor of Yerevan. I have expressed my position clearly we should make the whole amendments. If the main law of the country entitles the authority great power with a ground of doing good, we shouldn’t exclude that those super-power can also be used for bad purposes. For that it is very important the real balance of branches of authority, the full independence of judicial system is very important. We know that today the whole nation complaints of the judicial system. We should be able to really establish an independent, protected by law judicial system. This is our position and I think that we will follow this way. If you remember when one year ago we put the Electoral Code under circulation, it was just ruined by the international society, but now when we have adopted a new Electoral Code the estimations are quiet good. The same refers also to the Constitution. Constitutional amendments are a process; it is impossible to make the whole amendments in the main law of the country in a day, in an hour. We should compare the opinions to reach the results that are expected from us by our nation, by the international society through organizing discussions.

“Time” (Zhamanak), Karmen Davtyan

- How do you estimate the possibility of change of authority and revolution?

- Each revolution is realized with the ground of implementing amendment. I think that the resource of amendments in Armenia without revolutions is not consumed and today we follow the way of deepening those amendments. Each revolution brings shocks. Each shock throws the country backward. We should be able to follow the way of real amendments, shouldn’t forget that only in one and half year parliamentary elections will be held in Armenia and I don’t see the necessity of speaking about new problems. And if in Armenia or in any other country there would be bad elections then in the result of those bad elections there will by all means be bad manifestations.

“Armenian Time” (Haikakan Zhamanak), Naira Zohrabyan

- Mr. Baghdasaryan, the law “On Administrative Offences” is probably to be entered in this extraordinary sitting. David Harutyunyan announced that there would not be other amendments besides the editing amendments. In this case, how will Rule of Law vote for this law? As NA Speaker, can you guarantee that Armenia will adopt all the three remarks of Venice Commission and the package that will be sent till June 20 will not become reason for the next disappointment of the Commission?

- I have been and I am still sure that serious amendments in state car inspection system are necessary in Armenia. As to the draft law then if the suggestions of Rule of Law are adopted we will vote for, if those suggestions are not adopted the position will remain the same. This is a principle, political position. I consider unacceptable the personification of problems. I do not have personal problems; it is a principle, political position. People who speak about it they speak not against me but against the amendments. The inevitability of the amendments is guaranteed as no such a system functions in the world. We should be abstentious from personified approaches and speak about systematic amendments.

I think that we should try to wholly realize those amendments. Unfortunately, there are people who love authority more than the country. We should love the country because for me democracy is more law than exception. The necessity of doing such generous exceptions at the level of the main law of the country I consider it not grounded and I think that we should really follow the way of making Constitutional amendments. I am sure that the vast majority of those suggestions should be carried out, I cannot answer instead of other three parts. As today Armenia has 4 parts: the President of the Republic, three parties, I can speak on behalf of the political force, which is the second by number in the National Assembly. Yes, we insist on the policy of finishing the amendments, we insisted it and will continue insisting and I am sure that we will finally make those amendments because all both the society, the nation and the world community are waiting for those amendments. I want to tell you that we have already done quiet positive amendments. The text adopted in the first reading and the text that is under circulation differs greatly and Venice Commission has also mentioned it. I think that till June 20 we will send an amended version, which will be in compliance with the international standards.

“Armenian Time” (Armenian Zhamanak), Naira Zohrabyan

- Nevertheless, what shall we do with the Constitutional amendments? In the previous interview of Tigran Torosyan we didn’t feel that Armenia would be for all the suggestions of Venice Commission …

- We can speak about it in a few days. I don’t think that Tigran Torosyan or someone else is against those suggestions. We are just in a quiet difficult process of discussions. I don’t want to make announcements today that can disturb that process. Those amendments are very important. All those who speak about the importance and necessity of deepening democratic amendments in Armenia, should understand that we should begin it from the main law of the country.

“Mediamax” agency, Artak Barseghyan

- Mr. Baghdasaryan, how do you estimate the possibilities of South Caucasus integration taking into consideration the fact that there are already discussions both the Caucasian quartet under the auspices of Russia, and the Caucasian quartet under the auspices of France …

- I estimate it positively. As much we get together, speak as we can go forward. You know that I have introduced an initiative of establishing South Caucasian Parliamentary Assembly, we already have an agreement with the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament and after the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan we would be able to refer to this issue. This can be a good mechanism for jointly discussing the problems of our region. I would like to say that this initiative is accepted by the European Structures, Great Britain, United States and all those international structures that are for the development of regional dialogue. I think we should develop this format and we should establish normal relations with our neighbours. This should be Armenia’s tomorrow. We will not go further through fighting. You know we have enough difficulties and we should be able to support the development of peace and safety both in the Caucasus and the region through having asking questions of principle.

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