For Me the Hope of Progress is More Important Than the Sad Memory of the Past

Interview with NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan

- Mr. Baghdasaryan, a lot of time has passed since your famous article was published in the newspapers of the republic. How do you estimate, evaluate the attitude of the political field both those supporting and opposing the government towards your initiative and will it have continuation?

- First of all, I would like to mention that the article caused really wide resonance: dozens of articles and viewpoints in mass media, collisions or comparisons of opinions on the radio and TV, words of criticism and appraisal in leading newspapers. All these witness that the idea mentioned in the article proved once more their vitality and that all should join around the idea of organizing fair and transparent elections. It is evident that we should make reality what I suggested in the article. As to the continuation, first of all, I would like to thank all those who responded, including also those who expressed critical words, whom I understand and persuade not to have complex and not consolidate around jealousy and the evil, but for the sake of cooperation and progress. In this context it is important that Babukhanyan’s, Vice-Chairman of “Constitutional Law” Union (CLU), suggestion, who pointed out an interesting continuation and new idea, that is to sign a declaration on free and fair organization of the election of local self-government bodies and not only to sign it but also to pursue its fulfillment. Soon Rule of Law will present a draft of a declaration. I am sure that we all should be determined in realizing the idea of transparent elections.

- What is, in your opinion, the cold attitude of your partners of the coalition concerning the idea and suggestions mentioned in the article conditioned by?

- For more than nine years I have been a political leader. During those years both Rule of Law and me have always tried to support all the constructive and grounded initiatives no matter who suggested it. As to the warm or cold attitude of the coalition’s partners, during the political talks with me both RPA and ARF supported the ideas of conducting free and fair elections mentioned in the article.

- Till today it is unknown how was the attitude of the fourth side, RA President as you characterize the coalition, towards the provisions of the article?

- I don’t know his attitude towards the provisions of the article but I know that the President as well highlights the organization of the forthcoming election in accordance with the democratic criteria as I have talked to RA President on this issue. I am sure that we should do all the possible to really organize free and fair elections. Moreover, all those committing electoral crimes and giving electoral bribes should be seriously punished. It’s time that we all realize that electoral falsifications are directed against the future of our country and children.

- The article was followed by the political consultations initiated by you. Has this process finished or not and what results it resulted in?

- It hasn’t finished yet, the consultations of Rule of Law continue with public-political forces functioning in Armenia on three main issues: democratic reforms, fulfillment of our obligations before CE, elections of local self-government bodies, external political imperatives of Armenia. Soon, the party will present brief information. Consultations with more than two dozens of parties have already been held. I would like to mention that during the meetings the provisions of both deepening democratic amendments and free and fair organization of local self-government bodies, with democratic principles are proved. I am sure that it is important that in the result of consultations the will and determination of the political forces of Armenia was clearly recorded both in deepening democratic reforms and holding free and transparent elections. So, I am sure that both the strong wave and time of democracy work for free, prosperous and developing Armenia.

- We think that it is not a secret any more that there is heated struggle with the authorities to become the legal successor of Robert Kocharyan. Both in the political and press field there is an opinion that the main entities of that struggle are Serge Sargsyan and you. In this respect it would be interesting to know whether you want to become the legal successor of today’s acting President.

- There are many candidates for President in Armenia both in the field of the opposition and the authorities. We have no lack in this field. As to Serge Sargsyan or me neither Serge Sargsyan nor me have done such announcement of such intention, so there is no need to have new tensions in the political field subject to tension and confused political field. The elections are still to come. As to the phenomena of legal success, I have already announced that not the power should give birth to power but the nation should give birth to its power in the result of free, fair elections. In contrary any development will bring to unpredictable results. We should also understand the time of legal successors in our country has passed as we long not for monarchy but for real democracy. Of course, the acting President of any country may have preferences and before the elections express whom he/she would like to see in the head of the power. The Republic of Armenia is not an exception.

- It is obvious no matter how hard they try to deny it that member parties of the coalition power have serious distrust towards one another. Your partners accuse you of turning NA into a pre-election headquarters, beginning the presidential campaign prematurely even of creating separate ties with the opposition. What do you think in the conditions of those semi-hostile relations how long can the power coalition prolong its life?

- I am sure that I am criticized a lot, as Hovhannes Margaryan, Rule of Law MP said, there is an impression that crusading campaign has begun against Rule of Law and me. Why, what is the reason, we haven’t even gained cheap reputation through ungrounded criticism of the others. It’s the same, the people know who is who and the country is small for the unlimited ambitions of many people. Some people want to form a society of sheep for establishing the power of wolves. It is a phenomenon against which we fight and will fight till the end irrespective who will like it or not.

Politics is a fighting. As NA Speaker I announced 2005 the year of parliamentary tolerance and solidarity. I have already announced for several times whether you have thought why 30 thousands of square kilometers were left for Armenia out of 300 thousands of kilometers. The reason was perhaps intolerance, the evil, jealousy and other negative phenomena. We are thankful to our nation for the votes given to us. We are in the power to make amendments, and we’ve brought out approaches, our programs. RPA may have its viewpoints on some issues, ARF - another viewpoint, Rule of Law - another viewpoint. These are not important, the responsible work to solve the problems facing the country and the people. The opposition is not an enemy for me as well, and the opposition is composed of representatives of our people, who have their imagination in the development of prospective of our country and people, which can very often be common. I am one of the supporters of gaining the vote of the people through fair elections in the conditions of fair political competition that is why we say political peace and not political war, political competition and not hatred. As to separate ties with the opposition, there are no such ties, I am not an isolated person, I adhere straightforward and honest position. If a person wishes to fish in troubled waters they should know that the same troubled waters will sweep them away one day. As NA Speaker I met and will meet with the representatives of all political forces trying to support the establishment of healthy political dialogue.

- Let’ turn to the latest political inner-political events and to the most tragic events during the meeting of“New Times” in the town of Sevan. Was it accidental that that some people from the power organized that instigation in the region that is governed by a person presenting Rule of Law? Are the political forces presenting the responsible for the “unlimited power” atmosphere in the country?

- The examination will find out who had organized the instigation. In Armenia it is impossible to slur over anything, the people will know the truth. As to the governor of the region, he has nothing to do what happened and couldn’t have. What connection can have the major of Barcelona if there was an explosion in the city? As to the political forces presenting the coalition they also joined the joint announcement of the political forces and accused what had happened. I am sure whoever did it the involvement of the criminal processes is impermissible. The process of strengthening rule of law is important and that means that human rights should be limited not by the power but by the right and law.

- By the way, in Gegharkunik region the armed activities took place when in press they gave consistent information and analysis on the so-called Russian-French possible alliance noting about the establishment of an alliance between you and Aram Karapetyan. How would you analyze such news?

- The news about establishing an alliance is false and doesn’t correspond to the reality. Besides, I had neither a phone talk nor a meeting lasting at least three minutes with Aram Karapetyan.

- Perhaps, a great role in spreading this news had your official visit to Moscow. Is this news correct, and that Artur Baghdasaryan in Moscow received the approval of the Kremlin for his presidential future?

- First of all, I haven’t yet announced that I’ll participate in the presidential elections, so it is premature to speak about the support of the Kremlin or other approvals.Secondly, anybody pretending on such a position should, first of all, think about the good of the people of his country and then about outside. As to the official visit to Moscow, it passed quiet effective and at a high level during which there were solutions and discussions on economic and political issues of key importance.

- Your party always announces that is for the amendments and against revolutions. But in Armenia it is already 15 years that reforms are made and the people continue to flee from the country and different reforms. The criminal actions in Artashat, “Tetsi Krug,” Sevan have shown what those reforms cost. Do you really believe that if the reforms mentioned by you were not of revolutionary essence, something would come out?

- “Rule of Law” party is sure that the process of the reforms cannot be hold up any more in Armenia. The development through democracy should become for us a primary goal and indisputable necessity. This is not only a political but moral issue, our young people should see the real hope for the future and progress and that hope is freedom, the awareness and existence of the real possibility of free way of thinking, free acting, free elections. We should also add tolerance to it, because through biting each other’s throats we will not go too far and it is important to be united around the key issues troubling the people and the country and the progress as for me the future to see Armenia developed and prosperous is more important than the sad memories of the past. We should realize and accept that the continuous deepening of the reforms doesn’t have an alternative that stopping the reforms will result in as many shocks as the revolution. I am for active, radical amendments and not for revolutionary shocks.

This year in autumn we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Parliament of theindependent Armenia. And as I mentioned in my latest speeches, let us make 2005 a yearof solidarity and tolerance. One may have different political views, different politicalapproaches but we shall put an end with hatred, hostility, wickedness, jealousy, policy ofpecking at each other. I have done and will do everything to bring our colleagues from the opposition to a field of constructive discussion. As to the latest criminal events I am concerned about all that and expect that law enforcement bodies will make appropriate conclusions and the guilty will be called to account. There were held hearings in RA on this issue. In Armenia, yes, sometimes illegality is realized in the name of the law as some officials or those having money consider themselves higher than the law. For that reason reforms should be made in the juridical system as the people is tired of complaining of this system. I hope that the forthcoming constitutional and legislative amendments, as well as the definition of political liability will help us.

Our principle is to say good to the good, bad to the bad. Why did OYe (Rule of Law) participate in the parliamentary elections of 2003? Why did we want to be the majority in the parliament? Because we thought that if Rule of Law participated in the developments in the ongoing developments, it could change something. It means that we’ve come to change something with our pre-election programs and approaches, as well as with the expectation of bringing our reforms of power. Today, there are naturally many vicious expressions in the power and we allknow about it. If we do not speak about it we do not assist support that such viciousphenomena disappear or if we do not say it does not mean that they do not exist. Weshouldn’t conduct ostrich policy, and we should call a spade a spade. Therefore, I think that we should have straightforward position for all the key issues, point out those drawbacks and abuses that exist, suggest effective solutions for the country and the people. Something good has been done and is being done in the country, which we should also see. The policy oflooking at everything through dark glasses can’t be justified.

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