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RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Awards the Pedagogues
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On the occasion of the Teacher’s Day for the big contribution in the sphere of education, by the RA NA President’s decree, a group of teachers of the schools of the republic and leading specialists of the sphere were given Medals of Honour of the National Assembly, NA diplomas and letters of acknowledgment of the National Assembly. On October 4 the RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan solemnly handed over the awards to the pedagogues in the parliament.

In the congratulatory word the Head of the Parliament said:

“Dear teachers, ladies and gentlemen,

I welcome you in the National Assembly, and I am very glad for today’s meeting.

Believe me that the meetings with teachers are inspiring for me and give hope, as you the representatives of the society, who are closely connected with tomorrow of our country, which is created today by everybody’s contribution. And the teacher is the direct and indirect participant of that process not only the one giving knowledge but also as a psychiatrist and a parent. Trusting you the hard work of our children’s education we ask you like demanding and demand like asking, because we consider you as close person, friend of a family, who sometimes more than a parent takes part in the upbringing and formation of world outlook of his/her child.

Dear teachers,

You have very difficult, responsible, but an honourable mission: educate and grow up the future soldier, the scientist, the state and public figure, in one word, a real citizen, who will build the dignified future of his/her nation and country.

Regardless of the attitude towards you and assessment given to you, you implement your mission without lamenting, tolerantly and generously, without expecting compensation, realizing the high value of the tomorrow harvest of your sown seed and the need for the state.

Our people have always highly appreciated the teacher’s contribution, image and role. First of all, I mean the moral assessment, because it is the lasting attitude to a person, who at school creates family atmosphere, parental warmth, reinforces the basis of statehood with his/her work and shape the ground of the civil society.

Please, consider these awards of the National Assembly that were handed over to you a part of that assessment, because for me the prior things are human relations and human attitude, which are extremely essential for having an atmosphere of tolerance and united society. You are the first circle of the formation of the society: I state it as a fact with pride and realizing the heavy burden of your responsibility.

Dear teachers,

I am thankful for your devotion, faithfulness, genuinely for your civil posture. I am thankful for the patience and deep perception that you display for today’s possibilities of the state and still not so tangible evaluation to your work stemming from them. Be sure that together with our efforts the future of our country and people will be better than the present.

I congratulate you for receiving the awards of the National Assembly and wish you peace, health and welfare on the occasion of the upcoming holiday, Teacher’s Day.”

After the solemn awarding ceremony a sincere talk was held between the NA President and teachers. Thanking Hovik Abrahamyan for attention and high assessment, the pedagogues expressed their views about the role of school and teacher, children’s upbringing and issues of the education sphere.

Parliament Ends the Four-Day Sittings
On October 4 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings. The deputies of the National Assembly debated the annual report on 2011 State Budget Execution of the Republic of Armenia, which was interrupted on the previous day.The NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budge...

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