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Ambassador of Greece in the National Assembly

On November 20 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr Hovik Abrahamyan received the Ambassador of Greece to Armenia Mr Ioannis Korintios.

Considering mutually beneficial and necessary the development of the Armenian-Greek interstate relations the NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan highlighted the strengthening of inter-parliamentary relations, which would become a big impetus for the progress of trade-industrial and scientific-cultural relations. The NA President invited Mr Dimitrios Sioufas, President of the Hellenic Parliament, to Armenia on an official visit, attaching great importance to the mutual visits, during which opportunities were created to get acquainted with concrete directions of cooperation on spot. The involvement of the businessmen was highlighted for the development of the economic ties between the two countries in the delegation, who can get familiarized with the branches of economy and possibilities of investments in Armenia, a business-forum will be organized, too. The NA President also proposed to sign a memorandum with the Hellenic Parliament, fixing the willingness and directions on cooperation of the two parliaments. It was noted that in the National Assembly a Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Hellenic Parliament has been already set up, which, in its turn, can promote the development of inter-parliamentary effective relations. Mr Abrahamyan also touched upon the importance of the establishment of close relations between the delegations of the two parliaments in the international strictures. It was noted that Armenia gave special importance in the direction of regional cooperation to the efforts of the international organizations, European Union, Council of Europe, OSCE, NATO, which were directed to the strengthening of peace and stability.

The Ambassador of Greece to Armenia Mr Ioannis Korintios conveyed the congratulations and wishes of success on behalf of the President of the Hellenic Parliament to Mr Abrahamyan on the occasion of election in the NA President’s post, adding the willingness of promoting the development of the Greek-Armenian inter-parliamentary relations. Touching upon Mr Sioufas’ visit the Ambassador promised to specify the dates of the visit and inform the NA President. Mr Korintios informed the NA President that in the newly elected Hellenic Parliament a Parliamentary Friendship Group with Armenia had been set up, too. It was noted that the Hellenic Parliament was ready to sign a memorandum on cooperation with the National Assembly, highlighting the role and significance of inter-parliamentary cooperation. He also agreed with the NA President in the respect of making closer the cooperation of two parliamentary delegations in the international structures.

At the meeting regional problems were also discussed. The sides assured the necessity of establishing peace and stability in the region, which would promote the economic development and establishment of democratic values. Both the Armenian and Greek sides were ready to contribute to those processes.

Working Meeting in the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport of the National Assembly
On November 19 the first meeting of the working group, created for legislative amendment in the field of the activity of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport of the National Assembly and e- mass-media was held, where the RA draft law, authorized by the members of th...

Deputies of the Chief of the Police Present Clarifications
On November 20 the regular sitting was held of the Ad-Hoc Inquiry Committee into the events that occurred on March 1-2, 2008 in Yerevan and their reasons with a view to submitting its conclusion to the National Assembly, presided over by Mr. Samvel Nikoyan. Mr. Hovhannes Hunanyan, Mr. Armen Yeritsya...

Congratulatory Message from the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on the Occasion of the World Television Day
Mr Hovik Abrahamyan, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the World Television Day.“80 years ago television came into the life of mankind, became through times an exceptional and long-awaited opportunity.After the first ex...

Ambassador of Georgia in the National Assembly
On November 20 the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr Hovik Abrahamyan received the Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia Mr Revaz Gachechiladze.Mr Abrahamyan highly assessed the friendly relations of the two countries as NA Speaker re-affirming the willingness of making close...

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