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Speech of the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Marios Garoyian in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

Mr President!
Ladies and gentlemen, deputies!
Armenian brothers and friends!

I express my deepest gratitude for your invitation to visit Armenia. A dream of life today becomes a reality at the personal, as well as, at the political level. I am grateful also for the warm reception and generous hospitality shown to our delegation and me. It is in parallel a great honour, and joy that we are with you.

We expect with great hopes the scheduled meeting, being convinced in the usefulness of our exchanges and efficiency of debates. I expect with more hopes my visits to the symbolic places of the Armenian spirit and history, culture and customs, the proud people that you represent.

The brotherly ties between Cyprus and Armenia are based on the general historical experience and general struggle against the same enemy, as well as on the harmonious principles and values, which direct the policy of our government and parliaments and their contribution in the international reality. The Cypriot Armenians, the active part of the society of Cyprus, who retain their specific and proud, as well as respected identity, and at the same time they are the complete and inseparable part of that society, keeping Armenia close to our hearts, serve as a connecting link between our people. Mr Mahtesian, who accompanies me during this visit, is the Cypriot Armenians’ worthy official representative and the worthy son of Armenia in the Diaspora.

Mr President!

Our close relations are at excellent level. Nevertheless, great opportunities exist for expanding and deepening them in all spheres, not excluding also in parliament. This is the goal of my visit. After the Protocol and Cooperation Memorandum between our parliaments signed respectively in 2003 and in 2004 by our predecessors Mr Baghadasaryan and Mr Christofias a great work is left for us, for which, I am completely convinced mutual wish and will exist. Together with other things we’ll give a new breathe to the works of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Committee. We’ll deepen our contacts at all levels.

In economic and trade spheres we would like to expand the existing ties, being aware that Armenia displays considerable and growing development procedure. On its behalf, Cyprus can propose its comparative advantages of joining the European Union and the zone of Euro from the beginning of this year and being among geo-strategic three continents. I hope that the businessmen accompanying me will have many efficient contacts with their Armenian counterparts in this direction. Besides, we are ready to support in numerous spheres, which will interest Armenia, as it happened in case of the fellowships being provided by Cyprus Aid.

Mr President!
Ladies and gentlemen, deputies!

My visit gives opportunity to express the gratitude of Cyprus to Armenia for the stable support based on the principles shown to reach fair and acceptable solution to the just struggle for reunion of our country and people through peaceful dialogue. An aid, which, of course, does not remain without answer, but it is compensated with fervour. Cyprus itself, being based on the positions of principle, supports the Armenian people and its truth without hesitation. It’s enough to remember that in the mid 60s commemorable Spiros Kiprinau was the first to sound from the tribune of the UN General Assembly the issue of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus was one of the first parliaments in the international sphere that declared the April 24th National Memorial Day of Genocide and in 1975 adopted a relevant decision, to which followed the rest.

There is no doubt that supporting each other through regular cooperation will continue, and it will be strengthened in the issues of vital interest for our countries for preventing the negative processes regarding one of the parties.

Dear friend, Mr President!

As you know from September 3 under the aegis of UN the dialogue between the President Mr Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mr Mehmet Ali Talat has started. We hope that good will displayed by the Greek Cypriots will enjoy the same response by the Turkish Cypriots, who at present, unfortunately, respond only the instructions of Ankara. Regarding the above mentioned, there was a very little progress but not in important problems. However, we are not disappointed. Our side insists on the necessity of seeking and reaching the solution: double-zone and double-community federation, which is based on the 1977 and 1979 agreements of high level, UN relevant decisions, principles and values of the European Union.

However, the key is in Ankara. We would like to see a solution, which will be from the Cypriots and for the Cypriots. So, the international community and the powerful people of the earth put an end to the encouragement of the illegal attitude of Turkey (what refers to the Cyprus problem and not only) through tolerance and sometimes awarding. It is not possible that a country, which consistently despises and violates the law of the state, international law and human rights on its territory, as well as in the relations with its neighbours, enters as a guardian of international law the UN Security Council.

Regarding the wider framework of the relations of our countries, European and international sphere, Cyprus wants to support the advance of Armenia’s dreams and strategic programmes, having the role of bridge, as is for us especially Armenia. Two years ago within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy the Action Plan signed between Armenia and European Union gives an additional opportunity for us in that direction, which we can use as granted and with joy.

I would like to express my satisfaction for the cooperation between our parliaments within the framework of international organizations, such as in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Security and Cooperation Organisation of the Council of Europe and others. In the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in numerous cases the delegation of Cyprus completely supported the positions of Armenia, as well as the delegation of Armenia supported the positions of Cyprus.

I conclude and I wish to note that my visit to the wonderful, but severely suffered Armenian land can be a re-establishment of the promise of further strengthening of the existing close and firm relations between our two brotherly countries, our two parliaments and our two peoples. We live in the difficult period for mankind and especially for our countries, which are subjected to ordeal in key points, on the path of peace and stability. Thus, we shall cooperate with energy and persistence for the mutual interest of the peoples of Armenia and Cyprus.

I express my heartily gratitude once again for the warm reception and hospitability. I wish the dreams of the brotherly Armenian people come true, as my wish to visit my ancestors’ land came true. I wish you health, peace, progress and prosperity. Thank you.

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