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Congratulatory Message from the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan On the Occasion of the 12th Anniversary of the Formation of the RA Self-Government Bodies

President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr Hovik Abrahamyan congratulated on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the formation of the RA self-government bodies:

“In the formation and strengthening of the statehood of the newly independent Republic of Armenia the self-government bodies had their invaluable role, that getting formed in 1996 this day, they fulfill their most important role of the community governance. Being the primary link in the contacts with the people the self-government bodies are called to solve their everyday problems, bearing the whole responsibility of providing regular activity.

The past 12 years have been a period of overcoming and achieving the hardships, when the self-government bodies of the Republic of Armenia were formed as one of the most important institutes of the civil society of democracy and republic.

Joining the Council of Europe in 2001 Armenia assumed in the sphere of the self-government obligations directed to the settlement and improvement of the relations, which were harmonious with the political programmes of the Armenian authorities. Today the improvement of the self-government system is at the center of attention of the National Assembly and the government. In this issue the international and public organizations greatly help with their financial, technical and professional support, promoting the development of the system and complying it with the requirements of time.

For 12 years the heads and employees, members of the elders of the communities of the Republic of Armenia have been next to the residents of their communities, shoulder to shoulder overcoming the difficulties, step by step moving from the solution of everyday problems up to the provision of welfare and dignified life of the community members. Giving proper respect to their fulfilled huge work I would like to congratulate the heads and members of elders, thousands of employees of the system, wish them success in the fulfillment of their hard and responsible mission, be with the people in their moments of joy, concerns and difficulties. I would like also to ensure that the improvement of the legislative field regarding the self-government bodies, and their compliance with European standards will remain at the center of attention of the National Assembly, taking into account our peculiarities of self-government, making sound the laws of Armenia with the legislative culture formed long ago in this direction in the world. Making harmonious the state government with the self-governance is one of the most harmonious problems for having the state as a partner.

I congratulate once again the employees of the self-government bodies of the republic wishing new successes and fruitful activity.”

First Day of the Four-day Sittings of the National Assembly
On November 10 the work of the four-day sittings of the National Assembly was begun with the ratification and debate of the decisions of the National Assembly on Making Addenda to the agenda of the session on the agenda of the four-day sittings and on the special order of the debate of a number of d...

Visit of the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus to Armenia
On November 12 the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Mr Marios Garoyian will arrive in Armenia with an official visit. In the National Assembly the speech of the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Mr Marios Garoyian is scheduled at t...

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