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Legislative initiative aimed at fight against gambling
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The main essence of the draft law that every citizen should pay the gambling account from the bank or card account belonging to him/her. It means that the citizen cannot pay from other citizen’s card account: The deputy Gevorg Papoyan said presenting the package of drafts on Making Addendum to the Law on Gambling Games, Internet Gambling Games and Casinos and n Making Addendum to the Law on Lotteries authored by him and the deputy Hasmik Hakobyan at the NA regular sitting on September 11.

According to the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan the provision of the law in force gives an opportunity to pay the citizen’s game account with some people’s certain sum, which was inadmissible and was giving an opportunity to deviate from our aim. Besides, as the MP assured, their aim is to know who plays and what plays and specify with that their policies in this or that sphere. According to him, an opportunity will be created to specify who are the gamblers, and state attitude will be displayed regarding them. In Gevorg Papoyan’s opinion, the citizen receiving allowance, cannot play, cannot be a gambler. According to him, relevant accountability measures are introduced – 200,000 AMD fine is established for all cases.

The deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Sona Ghazaryan inquired if it is possible to control the transfer to the bank account, when in the 21st century those transfers are done very fast.

In response it was noted that the gamblers do not wish to have card or bank account in order nobody knows how much he/she has, how much he/she spends. After the adoption of the law the given person cannot play, as the person’s problems will be disclosed. According to the author, we can essentially fight against gambling: The draft is an effective tool.

The deputy of Armenia Faction Gegham Nazaryan noted that the one paying to the other’s account can play on the other’s name and inquired how to fight against such mechanisms.

In response Gevorg Papoyan mentioned that the probability of such cases is very little, but theoretically it is possible. The deputy underlined that they go after the cases, though it is difficult to predict what will be.

He also informed the numbers of making bets grow, though with its observations those numbers decreased. As much by law the regulation loop is pressed, the gamblers begin to make a bet in the organizations outside. Those organizations should be licensed also in our country and pay taxes by the legislative initiated by the Ministry of Finance.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Narek Grigoryan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee.

The co-rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Avag Avanesyan touched upon the raised questions and documented that the sphere is ready for these regulations, the only worrying circumstance is connected with the term and technological possibilities. According to him, the growth of the bets slowed down this year. In 2022, there was 8.5 trillion AMD, the volume of the complete bets has not been still presented for 2023.

The NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan inquired about the age limit of having right to make a bet. According to his question, is it observed to make the age 21 instead of 18.

Avag Avanesyan informed that there were debates around that issue.

During the exchange of ideas, the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Armen Khachatryan noted that in everyday life we come across with numerous cases, which shows that the sphere should be taken under control. According to him. Numerous families suffer because of gambling.

“The draft law gives an opportunity to control this sphere,” the deputy said.

The deputy of Armenia Faction Gegham Nazaryan assured that young girls, women have been engaged in gambling. According to him, the gambling is like drug addiction, and we lose families and young people. As he assured, the majority of the gamblers makes bets for solving their social problems.

“If we’ll be able to increase the salaries, then the number of gamblers will abruptly decrease,” the MP said.

In his final speech the co-author of the legislative initiative Gevorg Papoyan thanked the attendees for the concerned debate and touched upon several inquiries.

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