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RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan Meets with the President of the Republic of India
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On December 4 in the evening the delegation led by the RA NA Speaker arrived in the Republic of India on an official visit.

On December 5 in Delhi the President of the Republic of India Pranab Mukerjee received the RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan and the members of the delegation. “It is great honour for me to host the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament and the members of the delegation led by him. I am confident that your official visit to India will promote the strengthening of the friendship coming from the depth of centuries of the two countries and peoples,” the President of India said. He highly assessed the existing relations between the two countries and expressed conviction that the official visit of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan to India scheduled in 2014 would give new impetus to the political and economic relations of Armenia and India. He has noted with satisfaction that the inter-parliamentary relations are dynamically developing and has deemed important the further deepening and reinforcement of the cooperation and the development of the trade-economic relations.

Thanking for the warm reception Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that Armenia highly assesses its warm relations with India and has documented with satisfaction that the Armenian-Indian relations are at the new phase of development in different spheres of cooperation. He highlighted the further development and deepening of cooperation in the political, as well as economic, scientific, educational and high technological and other spheres. The NA Speaker thanked the President of India for the balanced approach of India on the issues of vital importance for Armenia in the international organizations. He has noted that Armenia, in its turn, reaffirms its unchangeable position on the issue of Kashmir. Touching upon the issue of the Armenian Genocide, Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that in 2015 will be the 100th anniversary of the Genocide and has expressed hope that the Indian Parliament will refer to that important anniversary. Mr Abrahamyan expressed his gratitude to the Armenian community for getting involved in the public life of India, for the state care permanently shown towards the latter, due to which the community has preserved its national identity and the cultural peculiarities.

In the meeting the sides touched upon the regional problems and other issues of bilateral interest.

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Meeting with France-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group
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