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Discussions of the Eastern Partnership Programme

On September 15, a seminar took place in the National Assembly with the participation of NA deputies to discuss the Eastern Partnership Programme within the framework of the European Commission delegation’s visit to Armenia.

The head of the Eastern Partnership Programme to strengthen relations between EU and six partner countries Mr. John Kjaer highlighted this seminar aimed at clarifying Armenia-EU cooperation and added that the start of the New Cooperation was the summit which took place in the framework of EU and Actions in May in Prague. According to his assessment, there are two conditions of effective cooperation development: the programme should be worked out taking account Armenian peculiarities, and second the European Union should involve as big resources as possible to develop those relations. As he informed the Armenian side was ready to develop that cooperation, and the European Union would do his best for its realization. Mr. Kjaer noted that though the cooperation would be bilateral but it has multilateral development peculiarities connected with relations between 27 EU member and 6 Eastern Partnership Programme member countries.

The Directorate for European Neighbourhood Policy Mr. Rutger Wissels presented proposals concerning the development of bilateral relations. According to his assessment, association agreement will be the basis of new relations, which unlike the Cooperation and Partnership Programme provides more concrete steps directed to bilateral multi-purpose relations. It will include the commitment in the spheres of democracy and rule of law, respect for human rights and basic freedoms, sustainable development of market economy, gradual integration into the EU economy, issue of a visa, energy security. The improvement and conformity of legislative field with the European standards would be very important for the solution of all these core issues. All participant countries presented the same supplies and demands, and the success of each cooperating country would depend on its wish and possibilities.

Referring to the visa regime liberalization Mr. Wissels noted that though this theme is very essential for each traveling citizen but at the same time, there exists a problem of secured borders, consequently this problem should be solved gradually and within a long-term program. The first step would be an agreement concerning the return and visa facilitation which has the purpose to favor visa facilitation, allocate expenses, as well as efforts of member countries making secure the return of a citizen traveling without visa. The second step of this sphere is called “Dialogue Concerning Visas” which is aimed to make demands and note the shortcomings impeding the compliance with the demands. Eventually all this is aimed at visa liberalization.

The Chairperson of the Standing Committee on European Integration Ms. Naira Zohrabyan highlighting the superior spheres in the basis of bilateral relations, he assured that for its realization our country has the necessary will and resolution. He noted that though in recent times a great work has been done directed to the convergence with European standards of RA legislation, but the authorities are fully aware of the importance of Euro integration and the necessity to take new steps directed to it. According to Ms. Zohrabyan such sincere and direct discussions are a good way for productive solution of the programmed core issue. She suggested making it regular.

The European experts answered NA deputies’ questions, which concerned peculiarities of the new agreement, budgetary allocations of participant countries, liberalization of visa regime and broadening of the principles of the European Union.

At the end of the seminar, the head of Delegation of the European Commission to Armenia Mr. Raul de Luzenberger expressed his gratitude to those present for productive discussions, which gave an opportunity to listen to the proposals of EU representatives and viewpoints of the Armenian parliamentarians.

Both expressed that the future steps directed to the bilateral cooperation would be practical and consistent.

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