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Sargis Khandanyan gives a speech at annual session of OSCE PA: I believe that future of South Caucasus region can be peaceful and stable
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The 30th annual session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA) was held in Vancouver, Canada, in which the RA NA delegation took part. The Head of the delegation of the National Assembly to the OSCE PA Sargis Khandanyan gave a speech at the plenary session on July 4.

“Madam President,

I believe that the future of the South Caucasus region can be peaceful and stable if all the countries in the region can find a formula for co-existence. This formula will help us to secure and protect our independence, sovereignty, and democracy.

Armenian Government received a strong mandate from its people - to bring peace to my country and make the era of peaceful co-existence for the future generations possible. This is the reason that Armenia is constructively engaged in peace negotiations with Azerbaijan. Needless to say that seeking peace with the neighbours is not a one-sided process. Both sides of the process must be committed to it.

Unfortunately, the constructive approach of Armenia is often not met with the similar position of Azerbaijan. And I want to thank the Assembly for its positions in Vancouver Declaration.

As I said we need to find a formula for co-existence with all our neighbours and here, I want to underline the importance of the normalization process of the relations between Armenia and Türkiye. Armenia has taken several positive steps throughout this process showing its sincere commitment to the normalizing the relation between two countries without pre-conditions. We hope that Türkiye will spend more efforts and show more commitment towards it as well so we can have positive results in the nearest future.

There is no alternative to peace in our region and facing all difficulties and complications we will continue the political path of peace.

Dear colleagues I believe we can continue this conversation on regional peace, security and cooperation in our upcoming autumn meeting in Armenia and I am delighted to invite you all to my country.

I hope we will have less hostilities and destruction in the OSCE region by then.

Thank you,” the deputy mentioned.

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