The RA Deputy Minister Varos Simonyan presented in the second reading the package of the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA Law on Trade and Services and the enclosed ones. It legally regulates the relations connected with the requirement of the information display on the liquefied hydrocarbon gases as a fuel, on marketing and realization conditions, on the liquefied hydrocarbon gas kind in the realization places.
As the Deputy Minister has assured, after the first reading by the proposal of the Government a number of amendments, including the sales person is obliged to have a checked container in the retail trade spots of the liquid fuel and sell the liquid fuel by the consumer’s demand by that container.
After the first reading proposals in written by the NA deputies had not been.
The NA deputy Tsovinar Vardanyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs and called on her colleagues to vote for the legislative package.