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Speech of the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan at the June Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Mr. President of the Assembly,
Honourable Members of the Assembly,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

My presence in this Assembly marks a benchmark in the developments that have been taking place in Armenia since March 2008. It dignifies the important role of the Council of Europe and the Assembly in particular, in overcoming the tragedy that befell us in our domestic politics. I therefore wish to begin this statement by expressing our profound gratitude and appreciation of this Assembly and its members for the active role you have played throughout this past year in Armenia. I wish to particularly single out you, Mr. President and our two co-Rapporteurs, Mr. John Prescott and Mr. George Colombier. Your criticism, firmness, but also unreserved engagement and support in patience and dialogue have been most instrumental in delivering solutions. I recall that following the adoption last spring of Resolution 1609 the President of Armenia established a working group for its implementation, which I chaired. At the time I was the Head of Staff of the President. It was then that I met the Rapporteurs for the first time.

Mr. President,

Let us have no illusions, the political process in Armenia is a continuous flow of events. It is more often confrontational, highly competitive and uncompromising. You don’t need to go far, but to talk to the members of our delegation in this Assembly, as well as to those honourable representatives from the extra-parliamentary political forces, who are also present here today. They represent the broad political spectrum and the diversity of political opinion in Armenia. Indeed, it gives me confidence that we stand before you in our full diversity and difference of political views and positions. The Armenian parliament as such is reflective of this reality. It is within this diversity and difference that we have been building and developing our institutions, our democracy and our system of values. Since last September, when I was elected president of the National Assembly, I have been consistently appealing to all political forces, including the radical opposition to use the parliament as the forum for voicing and debating political opinions and engaging in a dialogue.

Mr. President,

I am confident in my assertion that it is not democracy or the institutional frameworks for its functioning, or the rights and freedoms for our citizens that merit a debate. It is the quality of the functioning of the above that represents a challenge and political focus. The Republican Party of Armenia, of which I am one of the leaders, together with its partners in the coalition presently assumes political responsibility for the nation. We are not shunning responsibility, we do not cover up the problems and deficiencies, but in the time made available to us by the electorate we will remain committed to delivering solutions for a stronger democracy, solidly protected rights and effective functioning of the rule of law. We are operating in a concrete context of political realities in Armenia, and realise that we need to improve our act. This is the primary responsibility of the governing coalition, and should be a shared objective for every political force in the country. We embrace the principles of tolerance and co-operation.

This brings me back to the events of the March 2008, as a result of which this Assembly challenged the state of democracy in Armenia. I do not have to repeat the flow of events that has been taking place in Armenia over the past year, and the reactions of this Assembly. You are too well aware of them. You are very well aware of the complex political dilemmas posed before the authorities and the ruling coalition to sustain and protect the integrity of the state and impartiality of the judicial institutions, on the one hand, while at the same time to address a dominant public requirement and a national interest to restore and promote political stability and dialogue amongst the political forces and the public at large. The past year has been most eventful and restless. We have tested the qualities of our judicial and law enforcement institutions, our capacities to conduct independent inquiries, to engage the public and the political forces into national politics, to improve and implement our legal texts. The events and the aftermath have revealed many problems, which, in fact, define priorities for further reforms.

I am confident that the amnesty initiated by the President and declared by the National Assembly has been a timely and highly significant act. With this act and with the debate in this Assembly today we will be capable to coming closer towards closing a testing chapter in our history.

Do not expect me to assume that we have resolved all problems in connection with the March events. I believe much still needs to be reflected upon. There are lessons still to be drawn from the March events, but we should be capable to turn a page and to move on. This is a collective responsibility for all of us, for the entire society to do so. This is an ongoing process, as any democracy building process is in any part of this Council.

In conclusion, Mr. President, I wish to stress that the role of the Council of Europe has been and remains indispensable for the democracy building in Armenia. I therefore address you, Mr. President, the Rapporteurs, the Commissioner for Human Rights, the highly qualified experts and all our friends in the Council of Europe and the Assembly with deep appreciation of your wisdom and commitment to Armenia.

Thank you.

President of RA National Assembly H. Abrahamyan Participates in the Works of the Summer Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
On June 24 the working visit of President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan to Strasbourg began. He had meetings with the leaders of the Council of the Europe and with the leaders of political forces presented in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).In the morning P...

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