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Alen Simonyan: Iran has been and remains a special partner for Armenia that contributes to establishment of peace in region
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The RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani.

The RA NA President congratulated the Ambassador on the assumption of the mission, wishing him a productive activity.

Then Alen Simonyan expressed his condolences to the relatives and friends of the people who were victims of terrorism yesterday in the city of Shiraz, Iran, to the whole people of Iran, stressing that the joint fight against terrorism should be one of the primary goals. In response, the Ambassador noted that terrorism has no nationality and borders, and the basis of the friendship between our countries is also the immediate condemnation of terrorist acts. He thanked the RA NA President for his congratulation, stressing that the failure of the diplomat’s work endangers the whole country and has great hope that his mission to friendly Armenia will be crowned with success.

The RA NA President expressed conviction that the Ambassador will put his efforts in strengthening and deepening bilateral friendly relations.

The parties discussed the importance of inter-parliamentary relations, emphasizing the legislative interaction and the parliamentary capabilities of providing operative solutions to the arising issues.

Armenian-Iranian friendly inter-parliamentary cooperation was particularly highlighted, mutual visits play a big role in its continuous development.

The RA NA President underlined that he fondly remembers his effective official visit to Tehran last year, noting that he is waiting for the return visit of the Speaker of Majlis Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf. The NA President mentioned that Iran has been and still remains a special partner for Armenia, which contributes to the establishment of peace and strengthening of stability in the region with its balanced policy.

Alen Simonyan drew the Ambassador’s attention to the blockade of the Lachin Corridor and the serious humanitarian crisis created in Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of it, emphasizing the necessity to immediately unblock the Corridor. He stressed that the efforts of the Armenian side are aimed at establishing stable peace in the South Caucasus, which will be beneficial for all the peoples of the region.

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