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Vladimir Vardanyan’s Speech at PACE Session
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The member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Vladimir Vardanyan gave a speech at the regular Meeting of PACE Plenary Session.

“Thank you, Madame Chair.

Honourable Colleagues,

First of all, let me express my words of gratitude and congratulate Mr Constantinos Efstathiou for this report. I would just ask a rhetorical question. Why after 70 years of the existence of the European Court of Human Rights and of this organisation are we still discussing the issue of implementation – or rather non-implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights? Why is it still not a taboo? Why can we still not say to the States, you know, if you are not implementing the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, it is a taboo and these are the final days for you in this organisation? Very often we are actually afraid of different developments in different countries.

I do not want to address the non-implementation policy of this or that country, I would rather like to address the issue of how long we are going to tolerate a situation where we as politicians actually, by our inaction, are undermining the existence of international judiciary. Why we are concentrating on the final judgment? Unfortunately, international justice is a slow one, and very often, to get real justice you also need to implement interim measures which are the basis, very often, for this or that final judgment.

Unfortunately, the Committee of Ministers does not want to be engaged in this process because it is an additional headache. You remember, honourable colleagues, within several resolutions we raised this issue.

It is quite important not to mention only one case. Mr Christopher Chope mentioned the Osman Kavala case is quite important. Mr Christopher Chope, you should also mention other cases. Just a couple of days ago, the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights adopted interim measures concerning the situation of the Lachin corridor, urging Azerbaijan to immediately reopen the movement in the Lachin corridor. Do we have any reaction? Do we have any proper reaction? The inaction of politicians would undermine the very existence of international judiciary. Without international judiciary, we cannot go ahead, because our organisation is designed to protect human rights. It is one of the added values of this organisation.

If we were to continue having such a situation where several countries would be allowed not to implement judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, not to follow interim measures indicated by the European Court of Human Rights, it would be the end, not only for the Court, but it would be the end for this respected organisation, which is quite important for each of us and for the people of our countries.

Thank you,” Vladimir Vardanyan said in his speech.

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