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Official Visit of the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan to the Republic of Latvia Continues
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On June 5 the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan being on an official visit in the Republic of Latvia met with the Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis.

The RA NA President and the Prime Minister of Latvia discussed the issues of the development of the economic relations of the two countries, both sides noted the economic big potential, which was not used within the limits of possibilities and the increase of the volumes of goods turnover, the encouragement of the mutual investments was highlighted. In boosting the bilateral economic relations the President of the National Assembly deemed important the activity of the Armenian-Latvian Inter-Governmental Committee, and its first sitting will be held at the end of June in Riga and highly assessed the economic cooperation of developing the readiness of the governments of the two countries. He expressed conviction that the first sitting of the Committee would create a basis for the long-term, content and mutually beneficially cooperation in different spheres. Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that Armenia is in the first place among the South Caucasus regional countries by the volume of the implementation of direct investments in Latvia.

The NA President and the Prime Minister of Latvia have underlined that the Eastern Partnership programme of the European Union gives new opportunities for the development of the Armenian-Latvian bilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as for the deepening of Armenia-EU cooperation. The need of boosting the economic cooperation in that format was also underscored.

The interlocutors touched upon the regional problems, highlighted the stability and security of the region. Both sides underlined the settlement of the NK problem and through peaceful means based on the Madrid principles. Hovik Abrahamyan has expressed hope that Latvia, which adheres to democracy, protection of human rights and values of restoration of historical justice, ahead to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will express its position on the recognition and condemnation of the first Genocide of the 20th century, noting that neighbouring countries of Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Poland have recognized the Armenian Genocide.

In the course of the meeting other issues of mutual importance were discussed.

On the same day the delegation led by the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan visited the Saint Grigor Lusavorich/Enlightener Armenian Apostolic Church of Riga, where he was met by the spiritual leader of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia of Nor Nakhijevan and Russia Diocese Father Khosrov priest Stepanyan and the representatives of the Armenian community. During the meeting the RA NA presented to our compatriots of Latvia the inner-political situation of Armenia, the external political priorities and the process of the NK problem settlement. They had a sincere talk and Hovik Abrahamyan answered the numerous questions concerning the representatives of the Armenian community.

The delegation led by the RA NA President also visited Riga port, too a tour in the port. The leadership of the port presented to the members of the delegation the activity of Riga free area and the port management system.

Meeting in the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations
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Debates on the Annual Report “On the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2012” in the NA Standing Committees End
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NA Standing Committees Convene Sittings
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