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Statement by President of the Senate of France Gérard Larcher After the Results of the Meeting with RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan during Press Conference
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Dear Mr President of the National Assembly, Chairs of Parliamentary Committees, Head of Factions, representatives of mass media, there is a saying, according to which, the friends are like stars, and we can count them only at night. And we can say that impenetrable night has gone down on Armenia in November of the last year, when we made a decision all together, leaving aside our political disagreements, consolidating, and indeed, I underline, with collective work adopt the resolution, which called on to recognize the Nagorno Karabakh.

I thank the President of the RA National Assembly, who invited us to take part in this commemoration ceremony. Commemoration that we also would like to put in the context of the present and the future.

As you noted, Mr President, 20 years have passed from the day, when President Jacque Chirac has issued the law, by the way a short law comprised of eight words and one article, by which France officially recognizes the Armenian Genocide.

The live memory is the best stronghold for the repetition of tragic pages of history. Our cooperation has also passed through the mutual trust. Trust towards the future and destiny of Armenia. Also trust towards the youth of Armenia, which received a heavy blow in autumn. We think about all the deceased, all the wounded, the prisoners of war, their families, because they are not personal tragedies: they are collective.

We also express confidence, Mr President, towards the democracy which gives you a special place in this region. Democracy, which has undergone great ordeals, violated, but nevertheless, you continue to remain standing. We are also confident in the Armenian people’s independent spirit and their lust for freedom character. Lust for freedom, which was also expressed by our compatriots, i.e. the French of Armenian origin, who were next to us, when France needed to stand up and rediscover the freedom.

We shall say that our visit is also the continuation of the resolution, which as I noted, was adopted in the parliament in November with wide majority and only with one vote. And this is a unique thing, and everybody will dream that such votes be more often. Unfortunately, they don’t happen.

The resolution calls on the Government of France to recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh. At the same time, the resolution notes that that recognition will be a tool to reach through peaceful negotiations lasting and stable peace, because we have come here also with the appeal of lasting peace.

Mr President, we exchanged ideas on prisoners of war. Azerbaijan is obliged to release all prisoners of war, according to the signed Agreement and all international treaties.

As you know, this year, the issue of prisoners of war discussed at PACE session, and on behalf of the Senate, one of our colleagues of the Senate presented the requirements on their urgent release.

A short while ago we visited Yerevan Municipality, where an exhibition is presented. It is terrifying to see that after the war such steps are undertaken to eliminate the Armenians’ memory, the Armenians’ traces. That is why Mr President, your wish to strengthen the Minsk Group Chairmanship and the format is understandable for us.

Dear colleagues, I believe that this is the issue of our responsibility, in order all these messages be accessible for our colleagues of the parliaments of the European Union member states.

Dear colleagues, a short while ago we visited the Memorial Complex and walking there such memories woke up. There is a French poet, who wrote the following verses (it is about Aragon) “Future and Memory.” In a thing which is burnt, appears what will be. This fire is that we wish to bear with us, to bring yesterday and today in order Armenia lives and continues lasting.

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