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NA Extraordinary Sitting Convened
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By the decision of the RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan, in accordance with Article 100 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 41 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure, at the initiative of the Government on May 19 extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly was convened. The draft law on Making Addendum and .Amendment to the Code on Administrative Offences was included in the agenda.

First, the parliament passed a decision on the special procedure of the debate of the agenda item of the extraordinary sitting, according to which, the debate of the agenda item of the extraordinary sitting will be organized within 24 hours after its adoption in the first reading. Three hours were established for presenting the recommendations in written form and the endorsement of the Head Committee of the draft law.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Vahe Danielyan has noted that certain lockdowns of free movement function, which are not comparable with the violation of isolation or self-isolation, taking into consideration their public danger.

The questions addressed to the Deputy Minister, as well as the MPs’ speeches related to canceling he former fines fixed for the violation of the rules in the state of emergency declared because of coronavirus disease, their disproportionality, in this context the works being done in raising the public awareness, the study of the prices for masks and gloves and regulation of the prices.

Vahe Danielyan has specified that the availability of the mask in an open air is a mandatory demand, but not wearing it, it is an opportunity that the citizen will have a mask while entering a closed area. At this moment, there is no demand of wearing gloves in open areas.

The deputy Gevorg Petrosyan has voiced the viewpoint of the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction and has underlined that the Faction is not against the adoption of the draft law.

The Head of NA My Step Faction Lilit Makunts has noted that the pandemic is unpredictable in terms of its spread and influence on it, and conditioned by that the Government displays flexibility in the adoption of the decisions.

In his speech the NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan has touched upon the concerns of the deputies to avoid wearing the mask and has underlined that the Government tries to protect the people by demanding to wear the mask. To the conviction of the Head of the Parliament, in this situation the executive body shall have corresponding tools for making decisions aimed at preserving the health of the people during the state of emergency. The NA Speaker has underscored that there is suspicious attitude towards the epidemics and the means being applied towards it and certain reservation, which is revealed not only in Armenia. By Ararat Mirzoyan’s assessment, making the fine 10000 drams, the Government has a goal to begin widely applying this punishment, and it will have sobering impact on people. “With such steps we shall reach our goal that people seriously refer to this situation,” the NA Speaker Said.

Speaking about the debates over the prices of the masks, Ararat Mirzoyan opined that the Government should take abrupt measures for regulating the prices and fixing limits.

In his concluding speech the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Vahe Danielyan touched upon the MPs’ concerns and recommendations.

The Parliament passed the debated item in the first reading.

Let us remind that three hours were established for presenting the recommendations in written form and the endorsement of the Head Committee of the draft law. The debate of the agenda item of the extraordinary sitting will be organized within 24 hours after its adoption in the first reading.

At the last sitting, the RA Deputy Minister of Justice Vahe Danielyan presented for debate the recommendation in the second reading and passing completely, 10000 drams of fine is fixed for violating the demands of the free movement, the fine fixed for the violation of the isolation and self-isolation continues remaining the same. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that as a result of debates the draft law was edited on the basis of the MPs’ recommendations.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Sisak Gabrielyan noted that as a result of debates, the best version was elected.

The parliament passed the draft law on Making Addendum and Amendment to the RA Code on Administrative Offences in the second reading and completely by voting.

Covering the agenda the National Assembly ended the work of the extraordinary sitting.

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