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Issues for Development of Armenian-Polish Cooperation Focused at the Meeting
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On February 7, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Armenia Pawel Cieplak.

Welcoming the guest Ararat Mirzoyan thanked the Marshal/Marszałek of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Marek Kuchciński for the congratulation on his being elected as President of the Armenian Parliament.

The Head of the legislative body has noted that the Armenian-Polish relations are based on the two friendly peoples’ firm ties, expressing conviction that due to joint efforts it will be possible to give new impetus to those relations.

Highlighting the inter-parliamentary cooperation the President of the National Assembly underlined the mutual visits and the active work and contacts of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups.

Ararat Mirzoyan has highly assessed the warm attitude shown through many centuries by the authorities of Poland towards the Polish Armenians, noting with satisfaction that the Armenians with their work and devotion have considerable contribution in the most different spheres of life in Poland.

In his turn Pawel Cieplak emphasized the development of cooperation in all spheres, noting that in its expansion the inter-parliamentary ties and the effective contacts of the Friendship Groups can have an important role.

The Ambassador presented to the Head of the parliament the programmes and events which had been pinpointed within the frameworks of the inter-parliamentary cooperation.

The interlocutors exchanged thoughts over the perspectives and possibilities of deepening the cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats.

Ruben Rubinyan meets with U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Joshua Huck
On September 20, the RA NA Vice President, the RA Special Representative on Armenia -Turkey the Normalization Process Ruben Rubinyan met with the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Joshua Huck, the U.S. Senior Advisor for Caucasian Negotiations Louis Bono and ...

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