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Eduard Sharmazanov: Heirs of Stalingrad and Kursk Heroes Liberated Shushi from Azerbaijani Occupation
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On October 1, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov took part in the opening ceremony of the International Conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victories of Stalingrad and Kursk heroic battles was held in Yerevan Branch of Moscow Lomonosov State University and delivered a speech.

Welcoming the RA NA deputies taking part in the Conference, the guests who arrived in Armenia from abroad, the Ambassadors, the diplomats and the attendees, Eduard Sharmazanov particularly noted:

“Dear compatriots, dear guests, attendees,

On behalf of the RA National Assembly and personally me I have an honour to welcome the participants of the Conference.

This year is a jubilee year for the peoples of the CSTO member states, as it sees the 75th anniversary of Stalingrad and Kursk heroic battles. These two battles and victories resolved the further procedure of the Great Patriotic War.

The Armenian people’s sons had their weighty contribution in Stalingrad and Kursk victories. I have an honour to announce that I am the grandson of the Stalingrad battle participant Petros Avagyan, my grandfather like his thirty thousand Armenian brothers took part in that battle. Ten thousand out of thirty thousand Armenians died giving victory to our peoples against fascism. After defeating in Stalingrad the German Wermacht wanted to get revenge in Kursk.

Kursk victory is of great importance, there the Soviet soldier open the road to Berlin. In that battle Hovhannes Baghramyan and Hamazasp Babajanyan, Armenak Khanperyants and Ashot Ghazaryan showed their military talent. Most of them were the sons of not only the Soviet Republic of Armenia, but also Artsakh, and the heirs of very Stalingrad and Kursk heroes liberated Artsakh and its old capital Shushi from the Azerbaijani occupation after many decades.

Dear colleagues, today, when new challenges face our states and peoples, we should say our decisive ‘no’ to any manifestation of fascism, xenophobia and military rhetoric. We, as representatives of the CSTO member countries, are obliged to be united.”

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