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RA National Assembly Convenes Regular Sitting
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On November 14, the RA National Assembly began the work of the regular sittings. The parliament approved the agenda of the regular sittings, making amendments.

The deputies welcomed the students and the lecturers of Yerevan State Humanitarian-Technical College visited the parliament, who had visited the parliament within the framework of the RA NA Open Doors programme.

The RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan presented for debate the draft law in the second reading on Amending the RA law on State Pensions, the legislative initiative on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Remuneration of the State Officials and on Amending the RA Law on the Service Providing Compulsory Enforcement of Court Decrees, the package of bills on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Social Support and on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on State Allowances, the package of the draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Employment, on Making Addenda to the RA Civil Code.

The speaker Hakob Hakobyan noted that the issue had been debated in the Committee and was endorsed.

In his final speech the RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs touched upon the RA NA deputies' interpellations.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Defense presented for debate in the second reading the RA draft law on Military Service and Serviceman's Status.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Koryun Nahapetyan noted that there were no recommendations in written form on the draft law.

The RA NA deputies Margarit Yesayan, Hayk Babukhanyan, Vardan Bostanjyan, Nikol Pashinyan and the NA Vice President Mikayel Melkumyan delivered speeches on the package.

The RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov has given an extraordinary speech, noting that this bill is of public interest. The RA NA Vice President called on the MPs to vote for the bill, not opposing the problems of education and security.

The representatives of the RA NA Factions expressed their viewpoints.

The Head of the RA NA RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan has noted that the RPA welcomes this draft law.

Nikol Pashinyan presented the viewpoint of the RA NA Way Out Faction, noting that there were no oral proposals.

In his speech Koryun Nahapetyan stated that no recommendation was presented for the debate of the Committee. The Committee Chair informed that he met with the young organizers of the movement For Science , talked to them and gave clarifications.

In his final speech Artak Zakaryan called on the young people to stop the hunger strike. He proposed the parliament to pass the bill in the second reading.

The RA draft law on Defense presented by Artak Zakaryan was debated in the second reading the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda on Legal Regime of the Martial Law. The recommendations of the RA NA deputy Hrayr Tovmasyan were accepted by the executive body.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Hrayr Tovmasyan endorsed the draft law.

The RA CB Chairman Artur Javadyan in the first reading presented for debate the legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda on the RA Central Bank, on Making Amendments and Addenda on Legal Acts and on Amending the RA Law on the RA Budgetary System.

The RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs endorsed the legislative package.

The RA NA Vice President Mikayel Melkumyan sees problems in the content of the draft law.

The draft law on Amending the RA Law on Social Support of the Borderline Communities presented by the RA First Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Development Vache Terteryan was debated.

In their interpellations the RA NA deputies highlighted providing state support to the institutions-enterprises, schools and kindergartens in the borderline communities, the settlement of the employment issue of the population of the borderline communities, the implementation of the investments and the steps to be taken for entrepreneurship development.

At the last sitting, in accordance with the RA Constitutional law the RA NA Rules of Procedure, the RA NA deputies made statements.

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