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Speech by Member of RA NA Delegation to PACE during PACE Session
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Dear colleagues,

Today the Racism and Intolerance becomes a real enemy to struggle, and Europe should unify in order to prevent its further development. Any single person with its any single demonstration of racism should be stopped and punished. Once Europe has had a very sad experience of escalation of violence, and intolerance that had a name – Nazi Regime.

Unfortunately, here, in the Council of Europe, we still have member states with regimes, which use strong wording of intolerance, strong wording of racism towards ethnics, nationalities, other countries, distributing so called horror and shaking spears towards other countries.

Yes, dear colleagues, No Hate, No Fear, but also No Lie, don’t lie to Europe, we have a much many fact about destroying Armenian ancient cultural heritage by Azerbaijan! DON’T LIE TO EUROPE!

The strong affirmation of my works is the latest report of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on Azerbaijan. In Article 25 we read: “An entire generation of Azerbaijanis has now grown up listening to constant rhetoric of Armenian aggression. According to a 2012 survey, 91% perceived Armenia as Azerbaijan’s greatest enemy”. At the same place we can also find: “According to other sources, there is a conflict-ridden domestic political discourse and Azerbaijan’s leadership, education system and media are very prolific in their denigration of Armenians.

Political opponents are accused of having Armenian roots or of receiving funds from Armenian sources.”

And this is not all about this issue. There are many examples, that in school-program there are different tasks and games in which the topic deals with too much intolerance and hate speech towards Armenians. Schoolchildren are learned to have an enemy from a very early age. And the enemy is ARMENIANS.

It is not a surprise for the Council of Europe, that ECRI in its report also mentions Ramil Safarov case, the case, which was a basis for the PACE report Doc. 13540 by Mr. Chope, “Measures to prevent abusive use of the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons.”

Just to remind, that Ramil Safarov, Azeri military officer, that killed his Armenian colleague at the NATO seminar, while Gurgen Margaryan was sleeping, and killed only for reason of being Armenian nationality. Shortly after Hungarian prison he had been transferred from Hungary to Azerbaijan in order to serve there a sentence of life imprisonment imposed by a Budapest court for the murder of an Armenian army officer in 2004. Moreover, Ramil Safarov was promoted to the rank of major, given a flat and the pay he had lost since his arrest in Hungary. This was a glorification action to so called hero Safarov by president Aliyev.

In its press release, ECRI pointed out the risk that such action could cultivate a sense of impunity for the perpetrators of racist crimes of the most serious nature.

And this is also not surprise for Azeri regime style at all. Just a month or more ago another murderer, another Azeri military officer, who beheaded Karabakh Defence Army soldier Qyaram Sloyan, had pictured with his head and spread it on internet, again was glorified and awarded by president Aliyev.

Such kind of racism begins from high rank officials; and let me cite a sentence from president Aliyev’s speech: “There are also forces that don’t like us, don’t like our achievements; they are our evil-wishers. They may be divided into several groups. First of all, it is our main enemies – the world-spread Armenians and bribed and corrupted politicians that are under their lobby.”

And these are examples of racism and intolerance only against Armenians.

I call on the Parliamentary Assembly to STOP Nazism, to STOP Racism and Intolerance, to STOP ALIYEV REGIME.

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