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Work of the 15th meeting of the European Union-Armenia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee Begins in the National Assembly
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On March 19 in the parliament the 15th meeting of the European Union-Armenia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (PCC) moderated by the PCC Co-Chairs Samvel Farmanyan and Sajjad Karim started.

The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan had a welcome address.

“Dear Co-Chairs,

Dear Colleagues,

I welcome you on the occasion of holding the 15th meeting of the European Union-Armenia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in Yerevan. This week we had an opportunity to work in the bilateral format within the framework of the Ordinary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, which as I have noted, is an important platform of cooperation expansion between the European Union and the Eastern Partnership. Today I have again a pleasant occasion to welcome you in the other bilateral format of inter-parliamentary cooperation.

I would like from this parliamentary tribune once again mention that the European Union has been and continues to remain one of the important partners of Armenia, as the EU-Armenia cooperation first of all is based on the common system of values and the dissemination of the European values is at the core of this cooperation.

I would like once again to especially underline the close cooperation with the structures of the European Union during these years, as a result of which a great support has been shown to the reforms made in Armenia aimed at the social-economic and institutional development, strengthening state institutions, public administration reform, struggle against corruption, the independence of judicial system, good governance and etc. I am confident that our cooperation will henceforth continue.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This year the Armenian people and the whole civilized world commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire. I would like to especially mention the role of the European Parliament in the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which was the first amongst the European structures that condemned the crime against Armenians in the territory of the Ottoman Empire in its Resolution of 1987, calling on the Turkish Government to recognize it. Two days ago a Resolution on the Armenian Genocide was adopted, by which a tribute was paid to the memory of innocent victims of all genocides and crimes, committed against humanity. Our joint document is an important contribution to the struggle of the civilized world aimed at the recognition, condemnation and prevention of genocides.

Again welcoming you on the occasion of holding the 15th meeting of the European Union-Armenia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, I wish you constructive discussions and effective work.”

The Co-Chairs Samvel Farmanyan and Sajjad Karim also welcomed the Committee members.

By Samvel Farmanyan’s assessment, such platform of meetings is a special platform, which gives an opportunity to discuss all the problems in an open and sincere atmosphere. He has underlined that Armenia is concerned about deepening the relations with the EU, having as a basis the common value systems and the unique truth that Armenia is the inseparable part of the European civilization. Mr Farmanyan has assured that Armenia has never served such meetings in inter-parliamentary format and will not serve for provoking inner-national animosity and the adoption of anti-Azerbaijani resolutions. Touching upon the NK conflict, the speaker has highlighted the peaceful settlement of the problem, which to his assessment, has no alternative. Samvel Farmanyan welcomed the step of using a differentiated approach with the partner countries as a result of certain revision of the Eastern Partnership Policy of the members of the European Parliament.

Welcoming the attendees Sajjad Karim, EU-Armenia PCC Co-Chair in his word has expressed hope during the session that a constructive dialogue will take place and the draft text under debate will have a positive result. The South Caucasus is an important region for the European Union, and the European Parliament intends to invest political capital for the development of bilateral relations, including also in bilateral format with Armenia.

The RA Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Karen Nazaryan in his speech has underscored about the EU-Armenia current situation that the RA government greatly highlights the parliamentary format of cooperation and the dialogue with the European Union. It has been noted that the parliamentary diplomacy is very valuable in the regional peace and development. According to the Deputy Minister, Armenia is ready to deepen the cooperation with the EU, aiming at continuing the reforms of democratic institutions and judicial system, protection of human rights and struggle against corruption. Armenia and the European Union have agreed on the necessity of shaping a new legal basis for their relations and updating of the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan. Speaking about the next phase of cooperation in the sphere of mobility, Mr Nazaryan has spotlighted the provision of visa-free regime for the citizens of Armenia. Talking about the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, the Deputy Minister has reminded that a few days ago the European parliament has adopted an annual report on human rights and democracy, where an appeal is made to all member states to recognize the Armenian Genocide and continue promoting its recognition on the eve of the Armenian Genocide Centennial. The Deputy Minister has assured that Armenia-EU PCC has an important role in deepening of bilateral relations.

Within the framework of the subject Adriano Martins, Deputy Head of Division, European External Action Service, has talked on behalf of the European Union. Speaking about the EU-Armenia cooperation, he has noted that it continues on the basis of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and the EU, wishing to deepen it, tries to find joint spheres and interests. The EU resumes to the cooperation in the spheres of economic development, energy, migration, mobility, security and good governance and will try to make its policy more targeted and effective. Adriano Martins has stressed that the fundamental principles of the European Neighbourhood Policy, most probably, will remain unchanged. The EU representative has noted that the European Union as before is the biggest partner of Armenia’s foreign trade. According to statistical data of 2014 the European Union shares the 29% of Armenia’s foreign trade or exports from Armenia and 24% of Armenia’s imports.

Samvel Farmanyan proposed to approve the agenda of the meeting and the protocols of the 14th Meeting of the EU-Armenia PCC held in Strasbourg on 5-6 February 2014.

The RA NA deputy Tevan Poghosyan has delivered a speech on “The Political Developments and the Perspectives of the EU-Armenia Relations.”He has touched upon the launch and stages of Armenia’s integration process to the European Union, the work done, as well as the level of cooperation with the EU after Armenia’s decision of joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EEC). In Mr Poghosyan’s conviction, it is important that the effective implementation of the reforms be in place within the framework of political development. Speaking about the process of constitutional reforms being implemented in Armenia, he has expressed hope that those reforms will be aimed at the protection of human rights and the solution of the problems of justice.

The RA NA deputy Tachat Vardapetyan delivered a speech in the framework of the report “Assessment of the EU Trade Policy: Exchange of Views on the Generalized Scheme of Preferences and Progress Indices (GSP+), the Economic Situation in Armenia, the Perspectives of Economic Cooperation.” In his word, the RA and the EU have signed up a number of agreements, and they cooperate within the framework of different projects which also promote the development of the RA economy. Mr Vardapetyan has noted that Armenia continues to pursue reasonable macro-economic policy and implement structural reforms, making use of special mechanisms of sustainable development and boosting good governance within the framework of the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP+ ) . He has also highlighted the fact that already being the EEC member, Armenia can receive an additional attractiveness for the European investors. The deputy has noted that Armenia offers to the European partners free and attractive conditions for entrepreneurship, newly created free economic areas, various economic tools for supporting business, skilled, well-educated and economically beneficial workforce.

The RA NA deputy Margarit Yesayan has talked about the sectoral cooperation expansion with the European Union. She has noted that Armenia is actively involved in the format of the Eastern Partnership multilateral cooperation, taking part in the meetings dedicated to the issues of democracy, гоод гожернанце, sustainability, energy security, people-to-people contacts. Mrs Yesayan has presented the programmes and events in different spheres to extend the cooperation with the EU.

The MPs submitted their evaluations and ideas about both the steps taken and to be taken.

On March 20 in the parliament the work of the meeting will resume.

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