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RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan Addresses a Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the “Iravunk” Newspaper
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The message reads:

“I congratulate the staff and the readers of the “Iravunk” newspaper on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the newspaper.

The “Iravunk” was created in a  period when our people once again by force of unity and justice has begun the struggle for its right of living free and independent, a process, as a result of which the independent and self-sovereign Republic of Armenia was created. At that time in terms of age the “Iravunk” was still a baby, but taking into consideration the period which coincided with the first steps of the newspaper, we can say, that it matured in a short period of time. The “Iravunk” is the guide of independence, and, to some extent, also one of the symbols of independence.

For more than a quarter of a century the “Iravunk” newspaper gives chronicles of Armenia’s history of nowadays through different journalistic genres, exercising the constitutional right of free speech, giving a real opportunity to the society to exercise its right of being informed and aware, again guaranteed by Constitution. In the pages summing up its own history through high journalistic professionalism the “Iravunk” presented the procedure of the establishment of the Armenian modern statehood; statehood, one of the first fruits of which is also considered to be the modern Armenian press family. And the “Iravunk” is one of the members, founder of the latter, advancing with stable steps.

By the way, a few days ago was the 220th anniversary of the “Azdarar,” the first newspaper of our press, which laid the basis of that family more than 200 years ago. Beginning to be released in about two centuries after the “Azdarar”, the “Iravunk,” announced an enlightenment struggle against darkness like “Azdarar,” however, it was not a struggle in the direct and “Azdararian” sense. The “Iravunk” was a means to give and get news for the society, a guideline and a partner, a guide and a leader. All the spheres were involved in its panorama, observing both the foreign and inner problems as such, which the newly independent state was facing in the political and social field, in the sphere of culture and education, in one word, there, where there was a need of intervention of a watchful eye, sincere supporter, and free and true word. It is not accidental that for a certain period of time it had the maximum circulation in the market of local press, which was the best expression of readers’ assessment.

The “Iravunk” continues its demanded mission with dignity also today, because in parallel with the establishment and development of the state, problems permanently exist, which being special for a certain country, at the same time are universal for all the countries, taking into consideration that our country is actively involved in the international processes and is a full member of the international community. Its history is an obvious example of a successful information-publishing activity.

25 years is a serious period for a media, which is constantly at the centre of events with its political and civil activity, which leaves its trace and stamp, with its weighty participation in the civil society formation processes. It is joyful that the “Iravunk” succeeded to preserve the somber feeling of topicality, the due perception of reality, the aspiration and tendency of deeply analyzing the situation.

Once again congratulating the “Iravunk” newspaper on the occasion of the jubilee, I wish you success, increasing energy and continuous resoluteness. I wish the newspaper to maintain its face, let it permanently have demand, and the readers and those, who create the newspaper, admire its content.”

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