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Parliamentary Hearings in the National Assembly
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On April 23 in the National Assembly parliamentary hearings on the theme “The Administrative Responsibility for the Violations of the Road Traffic Rules, the Use of the Means of Providing Road Security and the Organization of the Activities of Parking,” where the NA deputies, representatives of relevant departments of executive bodies, NGOs and experts took part.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs Koryun Nahapetyan and the Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government Araik Hovhannisyan conducted the hearings.

In his opening word Koryun Nahapetyan has informed the attendees that in response to the initiative of the NA four factions to create an Ad-hoc Inquiry Committee on the Problems of the sphere, the Speaker of the National Assembly proposed to hold parliamentary hearings, listen to those responsible for the sphere, the positions of the representatives of the NA factions and the civil society and come to certain conclusion on the voiced problems. Koryun Nahapetyan expressed hope that during the parliamentary hearings useful interpellations and recommendations would be, which would become a basis for elaboration of new mechanisms of regulating the sphere and for improving the legislative field.

At the sitting of the parliamentary hearings, which related to the administrative responsibility for the violations of the road traffic rules and the use of providing road security, the RA Acting Justice Minister Hrayr Tovmasyan and the RA Deputy Head of RA Police Artur Osikyan made reports.

The Head of the Financial System Stability and Development of the RA Central Bank Andranik Grigoryan introduced the goal of the investment of the insurance system and the indices of efficiency, Alik Zakaryan, Director of Security Dream Ltd presented the peculiarities of the company’s work and procedure of the implementation of the assumed obligations.

The representatives of the NA factions, state bodies and NGOs delivered speeches on the problem, noting that the importance of the work done and at the same time expressed concern over the shortcomings existing in the sphere, the violations of the drivers’ interests and proposed to improve the legislative field for excluding them and provide adequate mechanisms of the enforcement of law.

The second sitting of the parliamentary hearings related to the organization of the activities of the car parking.

Kamo Areyan, First Deputy of the City of Yerevan, gave a speech on the organization of the activities of the car parking. He has noted that the Municipality has studied the interpellations of the NA factions and has presented exhaustive answers to them.

Vazgen Harutyunyan, Director of the Parking City Service CJSC, presented the works done and talked about the investments in this sphere.

The representatives of the NA factions, the NA deputies, those responsible for the sphere expressed their views connected with the issue, presenting the advantages and shortcomings of the paid parking, touched upon the treaty on the organization of the activities of the parking between the Yerevan Municipality and the Parking City Service CJSC.

In his final speech Kamo Areyan has referred to the voiced proposals and remarks, noting that the sphere needed regulation, and at this phase the law is successful. He has underlined that if necessary, relevant legislative amendments will be made.

In their concluding speeches Koryun Nahapetyan and Araik Hovhannisyan thanked the attendees for the voiced concerned debates and recommendations during the hearings organized on the initiative of the NA former Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan, where the problems existing in the sphere were raised and the mechanisms of their solution were presented.

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