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RA NA Vice President Receives the NKR Parliamentarians
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On September 20 the RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov received the Vice President of the National Assembly of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Artur Tovmasyan, the Chairman of the NKR NA Standing Committee on Financial-Budgetary and Economic Management Arpat Avanesyan and the NKR NA representative to the RA Parliament Karen Topchyan.

Welcoming the NKR parliamentarians’ visit to the National Assembly, Eduard Sharmazanov first has congratulated them on the 21st anniversary of Armenia’s Independence, noting that this is the holiday of all Armenians in Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora.

In his word, such visits, which have recently become frequent, serve as evidence of the fact that the cooperation of the National Assemblies of Armenia and Artsakh is at a very high level, which should have its continuity.

Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that Armenia, as a guarantor of the NKR security, will do its best in order the Artsakh problem gets a just solution. In this matter he has greatly highlighted the role of the parliamentary diplomacy. In the NA Vice President’s words, the establishment of the democratic independent state in Artsakh is already a fact, and the evidence of which served the parliamentary and presidential elections held recently and enjoyed high evaluation by the international community. “Artsakh cannot be part of Azerbaijan anymore: that is a fact, which cannot be a matter of dispute by anybody,” Eduard Sharmazanov noted. In his word, with R. Safarov’s hand has worked the Azerbaijani power, a state has been created, which is a racist, fascist one, and carries out anti-Armenian propaganda. With this respect the statement made by the RA NA, was a message to the international community that the double standards are no more impermissible. The NA Vice President has underlined two important circumstances: first, Artsakh should be a negotiating party, as without the NKR authorities and people nobody has the right to decide the fate of Artsakh, second, work should be done in all directions, including, through parliamentary diplomacy, in order to use sanctions towards Azerbaijan. He has reminded the words said by the RA President Serzh Sargsyan: “The international recognition of Artsakh is not behind the mountains, and there is no alternative for the recognition of the Republic of Artsakh.”

Thanking for warm reception Artur Tovmasyan congratulated the Vice President on the 21st anniversary of Armenia’s Independence, wishing economic progress, stability, peace and unity to our country. “If the political situation is stable in Armenia, then the population of Artsakh also greatly wins, and the probability of pressures reduces in the negotiation process,” the NKR NA Vice President said.

He said that the Artsakh Parliament had made a statement, by which it condemned the extradition of R. Safarov to Azerbaijan by Hungary, and his release and heroization by the latter, which was expected. “This fact is once again a fact that the Armenians of Karabakh cannot survive as part of Azerbaijan,” Artur Tovmasyan said, highlighting the message of the reality to the international community that the survival of democratic Artsakh is impossible in totalitarian Azerbaijan.

Other issues of bilateral interest were also discussed in the meeting.

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