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IPA CIS Observation Mission in the RA National Assembly
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On May 4 the Observation Mission of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of CIS met with the representatives of the political forces of the parliament in the National Assembly. Hayk Chilingaryan, RA NA representative in the IPA CIS also was taking part in the meetings.

In the words of Alexey Logvinenko, Head of the Observation Mission, deputy of the Ukrainian Supreme Council, the goal of the visit is to clarify to what extent the pre-election processes comply with the norms of legislation and international law.

Larisa Alaverdyan, Secretary of the Heritage faction, presented her views on the upcoming parliamentary electoral process, The representative of the opposition political force documented that the coverage of the parties’ campaign through media was unprecedented this time, unbiased and equal. According to Mrs Alaverdyan, besides the legislative reforms the political will of the authorities has played a big role. Instead, the deputy was not pleased with the current level of the political culture and as a shortcoming noted the absence of competitiveness of the disputes and programmes. From the view of the protection of human rights trhe representative of the Heritage deemed as a shortcoming the circumstance of not giving opportunity to elect the RA citizens being abroad and also the approach of not reflecting the vote of the citizens being against all the parties in all of them. Mrs Alaverdyan considered ahead of time the application of the parties to the CC on the eve of the elections for clarifying the constitutionality of the issue of publishing the voters’ lists, though she was for publishing the lists. The interlocutors also touched upon the problems of specifying the electoral lists and possible use of administrative resources.

The members of the Observation Mission wished success to the party in the elections and ensured that their assessments would be objective and unbiased.

In his talk with the members of the Observation Group Artyush Shahbazyan, Secretary of the ARF faction has noted that the progress in the changed Electoral Code and electoral processes is noticeable. In his words, during this campaign any obstacle has not created for the parties, the media have been equally accessible for all the parties. Despite giving wider opportunities of the Electoral Code to control the elections, the faction has certain fear on possible election violations. The considerable part of the fears relates to the electoral lists. The arguments that publishing the voters’ lists is violation of human rights, is not acceptable for the faction, and they continue to consider the publishing as an effective means to avoid the falsifications. Mr Shahbazyan was concerned about the circumstance that 5000-6000 voters of the republic were abroad, which could leave a gap of using the latter’s voice.

The ARF representative also drew the observers’ attention to the delivery of the election bribery based on the information reached to them. In his opinion, the social-economic situation makes open for the people’s vulnerable and diverse influences.

The interlocutors touched upon defining control in the polling stations, the events aimed at the possible violations and organizational problems on Election Day. According to the Observation Mission, in implementing decent control the proxies’ role is big. In their assessment, the Electoral Code gives wide opportunity of holding free and democratic elections.

The delegates of the Observation Mission of the IPA CIS parliamentary elections in Armenia also met with Edgar Arakelyan, Secretary of Rule of Law faction.

Alexey Logvinenko, Head of the IPA CIS delegation, was interested in the preparatory works of the ongoing upcoming parliamentary elections. He highlighted the holding of free and fair elections, being without shocks in Armenia.

Mr Arakelyan has noted that the pre-election campaign goes on in calm atmosphere. Violations of the Electoral Code haven’t been, the TV companies have kept the equal coverage. He has noted that some electronic means of the press have implemented “black” campaign against the party, nevertheless, Edgar Arakelyan has considered the pre-election campaign realized and according to the requirements of the Electoral Code. In Mr Arakelyan’s opinion, these elections will be several steps forward from the previous elections and will be held free, fair and within the framework of law.

In the course of the meeting they also touched upon the accurateness of the election lists.

The Head of the IPA CIS delegation has ensured that their attitude will be objective in the election process. To his impression, the good will of holding free and fair elections is obvious.

On the same day Aram Safaryan and Naira Zohrabyan from the NA Prosperous Armenia faction met with the IPA CIS observers.

The NA deputies have touched upon the introduced electoral lists, noting that especially the voters’ additional lists cause serious concern.

Ms Zohrabyan has said that the PAP together with other political forces, the ANC and the ARF, has elaborated control mechanisms, which will be used on the Election Day for controlling the free and fair election procedure.

Artak Davtyan and Araik Hovhannisyan, members of the RPA faction of the Natioonal Assembly also met with the IPA CIS observers.

The RPA member deputies have expressed hope that the parliamentary elections to be held in two days will differ in quality from the previous ones, for which there all preconditions. Not only the resoluteness of their political force and the organizational work done document about that, but also the announcements on holding free and fair elections of the parties presented bid to the elections, and the tolerant atmosphere created in the pre-electoral period.

They also considered the reforms of the Electoral Code as precondition of good elections, which create all the opportunities for holding democratic, transparent elections. To their assessment, almost all the political forces document that equal opportunities are created. The fact of peaceful and civilized election campaign also testify to that.

The IPA CIS observers said that after the meetings with other parliamentary factions it had become clear for them that everybody was optimistically inclined.

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