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Beijing Meetings

On December 16 in Beijing Mr Li Zhaoxing, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) received the delegation headed by RA NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan.

The meeting attended RA Ambassador to China Mr Armen Sargsyan, RA Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Gegham Gharibjanian, and RA Deputy Minister of Finance Mr Pavel Safaryan.

Characterizing the NA Speaker’s visit to Beijing an important event in the Chinese-Armenian relations, Mr Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, noted that the memorandum on cooperation signed with the Chairman of the Chinese parliament raises the Chinese-Armenian relations to a new level, and the visit would become really a new impetus for the development of the inter-sate and inter-parliamentary relations. As Mr Lu Yongxiang assessed, Armenia is a reliable partner for China, which is proved by deeds. He touched upon Armenia’s support directed to the elimination of the consequences of the devastating earthquake of Sichuan Province, for which he thanked the NA Speaker and the Armenian authorities.

Expressing gratitude for the warm reception shown to the delegation of the Armenian Parliament, the NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan noted that from the day of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries a lot of work had been done for the development of friendly and partnership relations. The high level visits and the availability of political dialogue confirm the willingness of expanding and deepening mutually beneficial cooperation. It was noted that Armenia and China recorded successes in the spheres of chemistry, energy, agriculture, science and technique, military and culture, where numerous joint programmes had been carried out and are carried out. The support of NPC to the economic development of our country was highlighted, which promotes the social-economic development of Armenia. As the NA Speaker assessed, the active contacts of the parliaments of the two countries, the inter-party cooperation had positive influence also upon the development on inter-state relations. Mr Abrahamyan expressed willingness to support the activation of the activity of the parliamentary friendship groups.

With respect to the development of the inter-parliamentary relations the expansion of the legal field of bilateral relations was highlighted, which would promote also the Memorandum on Understanding signed between the two parliaments. Mr Abrahamyan also touched upon the Summer Olympic games, noting that China once again proved to be a powerful country. With regard to the overcoming of the consequences of the global financial crisis the NA Speaker expected Mr Lu Yongxiang’s support in allocating 1bn USD credit to Armenia, which would be a great support to the economy of Armenia. The NA Speaker also noted that in order to take part in Armenia-Iran railway construction the package of the relevant documents would be passed to the Chinese government by RA Prime Minister for discussing the issue of participation.

Highlighting the Chinese-Armenian relations Mr Lu Yongxiang, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, noted that the Chinese side was always ready to promote the economic development of Armenia. During the meeting the sides touched upon also the regional problems and ensured to continue the cooperation and support each other in future.

The problems of deepening the Armenian-Chinese economic links were at the center of discussion during the meeting with the Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Keqiang. The RA Ambassador to China Mr Armen Sargsyan, RA Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Gegham Gharibjanyan, and Deputy Minister of Finance Mr Pavel Safaryan attended the meeting.

Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Keqiang told the NA Speaker that he was aware of his meetings, which recorded rich results with respect to the development and deepening of relations between the two countries. He also conveyed the Chinese people’s gratitude for the support in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake of Sichuan Province.

NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan noted that after establishing diplomatic relations the governments of the two countries had done a lot of work for the development of friendship and partnership relations. The NA Speaker expressed confidence that the memorandum on inter-parliamentary cooperation signed with Mr Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, would become an impetus for deepening the ties. It was highlighted that the volumes of bilateral goods turnover grow with speedy rates. Mr Abrahamyan noted that during the meeting of RA Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Gegham Gharibjanyan and Deputy Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Hu the issues of the fulfillment of new programmes in the spheres of political cooperation and economy. The RA Prime Minister will pass to the Chinese side the technical-economic report of the railway construction joining Iran to Armenia, in order to study the possibility of its participation to the programme. Mr Abrahamyan highlighted the participation of the Chinese energy companies in Armenia for the development of the energy sphere of our country. The cooperation in the sphere of chemical industry was also highlighted, in particular, the activity of Shansy-Nairit joint venture. Mr Abrahamyan emphasized the close cooperation between the parliaments, which promoted the development of the ties in other spheres, too. The NA Speaker touched upon also the activity of the Armenian-Chinese inter-governmental commission, which had a great role for the development of bilateral relations with respect to the fulfillment of joint economic programmes. It was noted that the global financial crisis displayed its consequences also in Armenia, for the overcoming of which the NA Speaker asked the Deputy Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China to allocate one billion USD credit to Armenia.

According to Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Keqiang, China and Armenia are good friends and partners, which confirms both the political high level ties and mutual visits, the development of economic relations: last year the goods turnover increased several times, which means dynamic development of ties and opens new perspectives. The cooperation with Shansy Province will not be limited only with one city. In Mr Keqiang’s word, the mutual understanding and confidence of the two friendly nations strengthen. The Chinese Government is ready to continue the support for the economic development of Armenia. China occupies leading positions in the world with general volumes of the development of economy and with many indices is in the first place. The global financial crisis also hits China, and the task of the government is to overcome the difficulties and ensure the economic sustainable development. Mr Keqiang believes that the crisis hits not only the developed countries, but also the developing ones. Taking into account the Chinese economic peculiarities, the Government of China undertakes steps to ensure the continuity of economic development at the expenses of internal resources, having its contribution with it in overcoming the global financial crisis. He is sure that in that way it is possible to increase also the goods turnover with Armenia. Mr Keqiang reminded that during the meeting with the Presidents of twenty countries the President of the People’s Republic of China considered necessary for overcoming the global financial crisis the control towards the activity of the international financial institutes, the improvement of the activity of those institutes, and China was ready to make efforts with other countries in that direction. Touching upon the allocation of 1bn USD to Armenia, the Deputy Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China noted that his country was ready to take that step for ensuring global economic stability, and the relevant organizations would be proposed to discuss that problem. China is ready to elaborate new mechanisms for the development, mutual aid and cooperation, using the economic potential of the two countries also in other spheres. Getting the documents of Iran-Armenia railway construction on behalf of the RA Prime Minister, the Government of China. Highly assessing the NA Speaker’s official visit to China Mr Keqiang expressed confidence that the development of the relations of the two countries was given a new impetus, and the outcomes would not wait long. At the meeting other issues of mutual importance were discussed.

Within the framework of RA NA Speaker’s visit to the People’s Republic of China RA Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Gegham Gharibjanyan met Deputy Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Hu. RA Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China Mr Armen Sargsyan attended the meeting.

During the meeting the sides highlighted the dynamic development of the Armenian-Chinese relations, the evidence of which is the official visit of RA NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan.

Mr Hu high assessed Armenia’s consecutive support in the recognition of China’s unity. It was noted that China always saw and sees Armenia as a friendly country and reliable partner.

During the meeting a number of issues of bilateral interest were discussed, in particular, on Armenian-Chinese economic cooperation, allocation of technical help to Armenia from the Chinese side, the participation of the People’s Republic of China in the project of Armenia-Iran railway construction and the activity of the Armenian-Chinese inter-governmental commission.

RA Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Gegham Gharibjanyan noted that within the 2009 Beijing Olympic Games after his visit to China RA President Mr Serzh Sargsyan repeatedly highlighted the development of relations with China, considering them one of the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy. In this respect the activation of contacts and consultations between the foreign policy structures of the two countries was highlighted, an agreement was reached on organizing the visit of the Deputy Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Hu to Armenia in the first half of 2009, which will be followed by the RA Foreign Minister’s visit to China.

The delegation headed by RA NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrahamyan will leave for Hainan Province on December 17.

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