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Hovik Abrahamyan Elected Speaker of the National Assembly
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On September 29 the four-day sittings began with the approval of the agenda of NA draft decision and four-day sittings On Making Addenda on the agenda of the NA fourth session. The MPs unanimously ratified the Montreal amendment of the Montreal protocol On the Substances Destructing the Ozone Layer signed on September 17, 1997 and the Beijing amendment of Montreal protocol On the Substances Destructing the Ozone Layer.

Mr Hrayr Karapetyan, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, presiding over the sitting, touched upon the next agenda issue and noted that after NA Speaker Mr Tigran Torosyan’s resignation, according to Article 17 of RA Law Rules of Procedure candidates should be nominated by the deputies for NA Speaker’s vacant post. Head of RPA faction Mr Karen Karapetyan nominated Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, and head of Heritage faction Mr Armen Martirosyan nominated Mrs Larisa Alaverdyan.

As NA Speaker’s candidate Mr Hovik Abrahamyan gave a speech first as a newly elected NA deputy , according to Article 34 of the law of Armenia Rules of Procedure, took an oath of NA deputy, calling on the other newly elected deputies to join him: “For the sake of the implementation of all-national goals and strengthening of the Motherland and prosperity I swear in to carry out conscientiously my obligations before the people, adhere to the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia, promote the maintenance of self-sovereignty and interests of the Republic of Armenia, do everything for the maintenance of civil solidarity, national and all-human values.” Then Mr Abrahamyan continued: First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude for nominating me as President of the National Assembly: Let me express my gratitude, first of all, to the President of the country, parties forming part of political coalition for guaranteeing my candidacy for this honoured and responsible post.

For me the National Assembly is a structure close to my heart. During the recent 15 years I have been a deputy to the National Assembly and a member of the Government, so, I can say with confidence that I am well aware of the peculiarities of the activity of the National Assembly.

And now let me introduce the keynote main provisions and approaches, which in the case of my election, I’ll try to implement together with you.

First - the provision of the atmosphere of necessary mutual respect, tolerance and partnership for the regular and effective activity of the parliament.

I think that everybody will agree that working in the higher representation body of the country, moreover, coordinating the works of that body demands human concrete qualities: resoluteness of making brave decisions, but also ability and will of making compromises. The works of the legislative body also demand qualities of simple and sincere human contacts, and of course, political experience. In my opinion, the Speaker of the parliament, first of all, is a partner, but not a leader.

Almost all MPs present in this hall know me, know my abilities, my strong and, perhaps, my weak points. We have long-term partnership and warm human relations with most of you. I am sure, you don’t doubt that the issue of the prestige of the National Assembly will become an issue of honour and dignity for me.

I am more than sure in one thing too: I am sure that I’ll do in a way that any dispute or disagreement will not reflect on the regular activity and working atmosphere of the parliament.

I would like to stress distinctly that I’ll be consecutive and critical in the issues of vital importance for the country and in honest human relations.

Second – in recent period we had to overcome a period full of ordeals and challenges. It’s clear that in the conditions of this new realities the political forces representing both the power and opposition and the society have to do a lot, as all of us are responsible for the today and tomorrow of our country.

And today’s imperative is that a beginning of political processes and traditions will be laid down, so we’ll touch upon the challenges and problems facing our country with new approaches, new concepts of solutions, and we’ll be more attentive towards the opinions of all layers of society.

It’s necessary that we’ll continue to pass laws, which will stem from the interests of our state and our peoples’ welfare.

We should beware sharp angles; we should not evade publicity and debating the main problems in open and comprehensive way. That is the problem of the parliament: be a tribune of collision, consent and cooperation of political real debates, opinions and viewpoints.

We should be able to bring the political disputes from the streets and squares into the parliament, in order to turn them from unfruitful rhetoric into constructive cooperation and effective work.

The democracy and plurality get strengthened in parliamentary debates. Here the daily responsible work, devotion and responsibility should be valued instead of crowd’s will.

Third – I confide that I’ll do my utmost in order the parliament would become an open and public tribune for the society. I’ll do my utmost that the National Assembly would reach all our compatriots, representatives of social and public different layers. The reason is more than fundamental. We should be ready to work more open and public, listen to and debate the others’ viewpoints, be attentive and tolerant towards dissent and criticism.

Fourth – besides being number one platform of Armenia numerous functions and spheres of responsibility are reserved by Constitution and laws of our country, in the full implementation of which our parliament should add in a consecutive way its political weight and authority in the system of state power and in the society.

National Assembly-Government relations should be of partnership and cooperation character.

Our work will be much more productive through closer cooperation between state and all institutions of the government.

The National Assembly should exercise its oversight authorities with big volume and persistence in purposeful and effective use of the means of the state budget forming by our citizens’ immediate participation and execution of the state budget.

And finally the fifth – we have many problems to solve not only inside the country, but also in international arena.

In the conditions of modern realities of international relations the role of parliamentary diplomacy and more consistent and full work is more than highlighted.

Under the conditions of initiative foreign policy adopted by the President of the republic we can’t stand apart from consistent protection of the interests of our country. We are obliged to participate more actively in strengthening the international prestige and protecting our country’s interests in comprehensive and consistent way.

Dear colleagues! I would like to say more, about the priorities, too. However, now I’ll be limited with this much. My motto is simple: we are here to work. Nobody is privileged among us.

We should have more responsible and accountable parliament before the voter and own conscience, which will be guided by the interests of state and Motherland.

We would not forget that all of us were chosen to be involved with the problems of the Republic of Armenia, to solve them, and see our Motherland among the progressive states of the world.

So, let’s carry out together that dignified mission with joint efforts.

Finally, all of us are responsible before our people. We are responsible for our Motherland. We are responsible for the procedure that our country will adopt in the coming years.

And with this conscience of responsibility I express my gratitude for nominating me in the high post of the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and for supporting me.”

Mr Abrahamyan answered the MPs’ questions, which related to the improvement of the activity of the parliament, external and internal affairs of the country, National Assembly-government relations, procedure of the PACE 1609 Resolution, settlement of the Karabakh problem, etc.

Candidate for the Speaker of the National Assembly Mrs Larisa Alaverdyan began her speech welcoming the activation of the political forces. She said in particular: “I express my gratitude to Heritage faction, as well as numerous non-parliamentary political and public forces, which were urging during these days all the time to be nominated as an alternative candidate to the Heritage faction deputies and me. Everybody knows that nominating candidacy is a political process, and the problem is not who will be elected Speaker of the Parliament.The nomination is the most important political process, when an opportunity is given to the society and NA deputies first of all, to say what alternative nominations can be, and how we imagine the views of rising the efficiency of the National Assembly.”

Mrs. Alaverdyan noted that it’s more than a year that they fight against those voting for the others and still they lose. “The negative practice became infectious for the country, I don’t agree with the hypothesis how the people are, that is the power. The Bible says on the contrary: how is the power, in that way it makes the people. In this sense such behaviour of the National Assembly is disgrace of the people, but not disgrace of the National Assembly.

The law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly suffers with the drawbacks, which suffers the legislative field. The continuous amendments were of situational character, and that is why the law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly is a row of demands, where very often we don’t see the concept. I see a problem in revising the law NA Rules of Procedure, making a conceptual document, which will allow every time not to refer to our mistakes with forgiveness, but also make the National Assembly adequate to our national genius.

The relations of the National Assembly with the society do not resist any criticism. I can bring agendas of a number of public hearings, which testify that the National Assembly despises the society’s opinion and create a wrong opinion with manipulating technologies that the National Assembly not only works weak, but the society of Armenia is weak, and in my conviction the strongest part of the Republic of Armenia is its society, and the society is the main pledge of the development of the our state and National Assembly.”

As Mrs. Alaverdyan assessed, her positions of principle can be useful in the issues of statehood building, to promote the development of the Republic of Armenia and the whole Armenians. She also considered non-efficient the work of NA staff: their relation with the committees and MPs, and the problem is the organization of the management.

She also noted the problem of international authority: “The NA deputies are represented in different institutes as separate groups. An impression is created that the National Assembly and the state, in general, had not clarified their position, and had not given their clear position in the most important issues, in particular, in Artsakh issue. And eventually, the oversight: if we look at the NA passed laws, even together with drawbacks, the oversight of the fulfillment of the laws would provide their fulfillment, and the trust towards the laws. My problem would be to develop that trust because the best laws and decisions, which are adopted, do not enjoy trust primarily. The National Assembly is the only structure, which must fulfill that activity.”

The MPs and the parliamentary factions expressed viewpoints on the candidacies of Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan and Mrs. Larisa Alaverdyan.

In the MP Mr. Galust Sahakyan’s word the biography of Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan has been completed in the field of the society: he took part in the steps taken by the newly independent Armenia and political developments. In his conviction in the near future the works of the National Assembly will be more activated with political and organizational components. He expressed conviction that in parliament the tribune, in which the political forces will have opportunity to discuss, make decisions in the atmosphere of plurality, which will become basis for cooperation, will be formed. In his opinion in case of electing Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan the legislative work of the parliament will be multiplied and the activity of the NA staff will activate. He thinks that the most important problem is the rise of the NA role, the positive attitude of the people towards NA, the opportunity of which is big in case of being elected Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan NA Speaker.

MP Mr. Viktor Dallakyan thanked Mr. Tigran Torosyan for joint activity and positively assessed the nomination of the alternative candidacy.

MP Mrs. Anahit Bakhshyan, defending Mrs. Larisa Alaverdyan’s candidacy noted that the society knows her well: she is a bearer of law and legality, which she proved with her word and work while being Human Rights Defender.

MP Mr. Vardan Ayvazyan defended Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan’s candidacy and noted that he is a good organizer and he is able to make a decision, he can gather people around him. In his conviction, the National Assembly would rise to a new qualitiative degree by the presidency of Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan.

In Ms. Zaruhi Postanjyan’s conviction, Mrs. Larisa Alaverdyan is a person, who can lead the National Assembly and solve all the problems, which are in the center of the society’s attention. Irrespective of the fact who will be elected NA Speaker Mrs. Postanjyan called upon to build a normal state within the framework of the idea of unity, justice and freedom.

NA Vice Speakers Mr. Hrayr Karapetyan and Ms. Arevik Petrosyan gave extraordinary speeches.

NA Vice Speaker Mr. Hrayr Karapetyan thanked the former NA Speaker Mr. Tigran Torosyan for the joint work and noted that the parliament mainly fulfilled its task in the legislative activity. He expressed confidence that Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, whose candidacy also defends the ARF, would use his experience, knowledge and capabilities in order to raise the quality of the activities of the parliament. He highlighted the necessity of raising the parliamentary diplomacy into new quality. Within the framework of the friendship groups, inter-parliamentary committees, international structures a lot of work will be done in order to more strengthen the state foreign policy. He highlighted the creation of dignitary working conditions for the MPs, as those conditions are far from being sufficient. According to NA Vice Speaker, Mr. Abrahamyan sees the problem quite well. He expressed hope that these problems would be solved. It was noted that Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, being a candidate of coalition, enjoys the confidence of majority, which is positive, as the political and international experience shows that all the countries, which function the stable political agreement, are deprived of political shocks, parliamentary crises.

NA Vice Speaker Ms. Arevik Petrosyan also thanked Mr. Torosyan for joint work. She noted that Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan state-political figure enjoyed the people’s high vote, elected NA deputy, high confidence of the Republican Party, nominated as Speaker of the National Assembly, high assessments of RA President Serzh Sargsyan. It was noted that there is necessity to revise, clarify and solve in a new way in the relations with the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, voters, media and government. There are also problems regarding the administration and activity of NA Staff, as well as in NA external relations. As PAP member and NA Vice Speaker nominated from PAP Ms. Petrosyan underlined that she was ready to direct all her efforts to the implementation of the programmes of the newly elected NA Speaker, which are addressed to the rise of the role of the people, Armenia and National Assembly. She wished effective activity to the newly elected NA Speaker with the best examples of consolidation of collective efforts, also with such legislative examples, which will be directed to overcoming and solving of the people’s vital problems.

Mr. Vardan Khachatryan presented the view of the Heritage Party. He noted that the NA Speaker’s post is a post of high public sounding, and these elections will be important and will have an influence on Armenia’s future of several years. It is important and obligatory for the faction to hold the NA Speaker’s elections with the participation of alternative candidate. Mr. Khachatryan highlighted the necessity of separation of power wings. In his conviction the parliament shall be the most serious balance for the executive power. He also highlighted the development of the parliamentary diplomacy. Defending Mrs. Larisa Alaverdyan’s candidacy, Mr. Khachatryan called upon to elect Mrs. Larisa Alaverdyan on behalf of Heritage faction.

Head of Country of Law faction Mrs. Heghine Bisharyan defended Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan’s candidacy and noted that the candidate has a political rich biography and will lead well the National Assembly. To her, Mr. Abrahamyan’s great experience in the executive power will promote to pass better laws. She called upon to continue NA Speaker (2003-2006) Artur Baghdasaryan’s activity and open the doors before the society. She addressed the candidate to raise the role and importance of the parliament and MPs in case of being elected.

Presenting the position of the faction the head of ARF faction Mr. Vahan Hovhannesyan passed the precept of the MPs and society to the future NA Speaker, urging, demanding, expecting and hoping that it will be fulfilled. First of all, Mr. Hovhannesyan expects rise of NA role, which is enshrined by the reformed Constitution. He is sure that it is necessary to comply the activity of the parliament with the liabilities given by the Constitution. Touching upon the procedure of the discussion of the laws Mr. Hovhannesyan considers inadmissible the debate of the bills urgently by extraordinary sessions, as a result of which “raw” laws are passed, which they are obliged to reform working hard later. He considered inadmissible the practice that the bills presented by the MPs are continuously delayed. He believes that all the bills must be debated, and the MP must not be deprived of fighting for his/her view. Mr. Hovhannesyan also considered important to take into account during the debate the MPs’ recommendations denying without debate. Highlighting the role of the parliamentary diplomacy Mr. Hovhannesyan proposed in time and is convinced now that is necessary to create a council of the heads of the parliamentary delegations, in order to present one common concept in international structures. He also expressed confidence that the NA Speaker would restore the tradition of collegial leadership compatible with parliament. Mr. Hovhannisyan noted that the ARF defends Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan’s candidacy and expressed hope that after being elected he would take into account all the precepts and would fulfill them.

Presenting the viewpoint of the head of the Prosperous Armenia faction Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan first thanked Mr. Tigran Torosyan for joint work, he noted that being elected by the people the MPs should solve the people’s problems, as while being elected they gave promises, and the society waits for promises and the fulfillment of the programmes. Defending Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan’s candidacy Mr. Tsarukyan noted that he has serious experience of working in the management system: he worked as mayor, governor, minister of territorial administration, deputy minister, Chief of the Staff of RA President, he is familiar with the existing problems in the country. Mr. Tsarukyan emphasized Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan’s human qualities, noting that he could to raise the authority of all the spheres, which were under his leadership. The head of the faction noted that the Prosperous Armenia faction would give its vote to Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan and they would jointly implement programmes and the promises given to the people.

Mr. Mkrtich Minasyan presented the view of the RPA faction. On behalf of the faction he also thanked Mr. Tigran Torosyan for joint activity. Mr. Minasyan noted the importance of the rise and strengthening of the role of the National Assembly, reaching it to the rights reserved by Constitution. He is convinced that this problem can be solved due to organizational-legal, as well as human capabilities and skills. Defending Mr. Abrahamyan’s candidacy he noted that during the years working in the executive power his will skills, pragmatism, awareness to the management institute, i.e. accept information, analyze, make decision without rush and follow the fulfillment of those decisions. He expressed hope that during his activity in the National Assembly he will display his best qualities. He called upon to vote for Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, being confident that during his activity he will fulfill all the queries.

In their concluding speech the candidates touched upon the problems under discussion.

Mr. Samvel Nikoyan, Chairman of the NA Ad-hoc Counting Committee, presented from the tribune of the parliament the results of voting in secret ballot after the break allotted for the election: 115 deputies took part in the election of the President of the parliament, Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan was elected Speaker of the National Assembly with 110 for, and 5 deputies voted for Mrs. Larisa Alaverdyan.

Speaker of the RA National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan thanked the deputies for kind and obliging words, noting that it’s a responsible day for him: “From this moment I assume with great responsibility the post of the Speaker of the National Assembly, the legislative highest representation body of the Republic of Armenia. I also express my sincere gratitude to my voters of Ararat province, town of Artashat and adjacent villages, to everybody, who gave their vote of trust, taking part in the elections several days ago. All our voters liked that in order we would touch upon the problems, concerns and pains of our motherland with more responsibility, irrespective of their displayed political support during the parliamentary and presidential elections. I say with confidence that I’ll do my best not to disappoint anybody. Abraham Lincoln said about the mission of the parliament: “Power of the people, by the people’s will, for the people’s welfare.” I express my gratitude to the Republican Party of Armenia, personally the President of the party Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, the board of the party and the executive body for the trust and for nominating me. I express my gratitude to my coalition colleagues, who trusted me the post of NA Speaker by their voting: it obliges me twice. I am ready to assume this new commitment. On behalf of all deputies and me I express my gratitude to Mr. Tigran Torosyan for the contribution he had while being in responsible office of NA Speaker. I expect energetic and effective joint work for the welfare of the Republic of Armenia.”

After electing NA Speaker the parliament launched the debate of the agenda issues.

A number of bills were submitted to the legislators for passing in the second reading. Mr. Vache Terteryan, Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration, proposed to pass completely the legislative package envisaging amendments and addenda in the law on Community Service, the first draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Local Self-Government. By the proposal of the Chairman of NA Territorial Management and Local Self-Government was edited, the second one remained unchanged. The NA Head Committee, as Mr. Margaryan presented, endorsed the draft law. As Mr. Armen Alaverdyan, deputy chairman of RA State Revenues Committee presented, there were no proposals on the draft laws on Making Addendum to the law On Organizing and Making Checks in the Republic of Armenia, except one edition. Mr. Aleksan Petrosyan, member of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs re-confirmed the endorsement on the documents.

Chairman of the Central Bank Mr. Artur Javadyan also proposed to pass two draft laws in the second reading: the draft law On Turnover of Credit Information and Credit Bureaus with enclosed bills and the document envisaging an amendment in the law on Financial Ombudsman, and on this Mr. Gagik Minasyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Financial Credit and Budgetary Affairs. Mr. Ara Nranyan, the co-author of the draft law presented in the sitting the amendments made by the MPs of ARF faction on Protection of Economic Competitiveness. The Committee on Economic Affairs also endorsed this draft law.

Deputy Defense Minister Mr. Ara Nazaryan said that they didn’t receive proposals in written form on the issue on Making Addendum on State Administration Institutions. He submitted to the MPs another initiative of the government on Making Amendments and Addendum to the law On Civil Special Service.

RA Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Vardan Aramyan proposed the MPs to ratify the Financial Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of France. The debate of the issue will be continued on September 30.

RA Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Vardan Aramyan proposed the MPs to ratify the Financial Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of France. The debate of the issue will be continued on September 30.

RA Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Vardan Aramyan proposed the MPs to ratify the Financial Protocol between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of France. The debate of the issue will be continued on September 30.

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