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Alex and Marie Manoogians' Reburial in Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin

On July 17 in the Holy See Echmiadzin the ceremony of the reburial of the National hero of the Republic of Armenia, lifetime honorary President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), National benefactor Alex Manoogian and his wife Marie Manoogian was held (their remains were brought to Armenia from Detroit on July 13).

The ceremony attended Mr. Robert Kocharyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, Mr. Sege Sargsyan, Prime Minister, Mr. Gagik Harutiunian, President of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Arkady Ghukasyan, President of the NKR, members of Alex Manoogian family, other officials, members of the public.

The caskets of the deceased accompanied by the honor guard of the Armed Forces were brought from Saint Gayane church and placed in the square of altar. His Holiness Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians offered a solemn requiem service, after which the Supreme Patriarch expressed his assessment in memory of the deceased.

The deceased were placed in the yard of Alex and Marie Manoogians’ treasury.

During the reception given at the Holy See Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia gave a speech in memory of RA National hero, AGBU lifetime President, National benefactor Alex Manoogian and his wife Marie Manoogian.



Dear President of the Republic of Armenia

Dear President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic

Your Holiness

Honorable Manoogian family

Today we are participants of extremely exciting and important event – the final return to homeland of one of the dedicated sons of our people, Armenian greatest benefactor, National hero Alex Manoogian and his permanent companion and supporter of his year-long patriotic activity, his wife Marie Manoogian.

Alex Manoogian’s earthly path had an exceptional process. The beginning is an ordinary, but a tragic story for the Armenians of his generation – immigration under the threat of becoming one of the million victims of the Genocide, but in contrast of similar other thousands of cases, fortunately, with happy ending, with the reunion of the family without losses. But that was not the only challenge of the destiny for the young Alex Manoogian. He managed to adapt to a new country, new environment and new manners with enviable speed. Due to his ready wit and hard work, he succeeded to get dignified work, provide the family’s welfare, and also found his own work. Thanks to inventor’s apparent gift and organizational great talent Alex Manoogian did not only fear before the Great Depression, which became the reason of the shock of the whole America very soon and destruction of the thousands of experienced and successful companies, but also overcame it with new and new successes, eventually founding the well-known MASCO company.

All these experiences, which were irresistible for many people have been left behind for young Alex Manoogian not only due to his unique specialized and practical high knowledge, but also the family’s warmth and love and his human high skills. It was not by accident that in difficult years for the United States, when many people were thinking day and night only about getting out from clutches of the crisis, Alex Manoogian joined the Armenian General Benevolent Union to serve the devout work of retaining Armenian identity and facilitate the burden of the Diaspora. And as every work that he had initiated during his fruitful activity, he referred to this mission with great responsibility and great love, distinct aim and consecutiveness. The geography of Alex Manoogian’s philanthropy not recognizing boundaries is very wide – from Canada and the United States to Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina, from Holland and France to Lebanon, Israel and Australia, Armenia and Iran, and the direction of the philnathropic initiatives according to spheres was very distinct – education, culture, science and spiritual life, everything which centuries long has been the basis of our people’s identity and viability. Schools, educational centers, gymnasium, chairs of Armenian Studies were founded and numerous institutions were supported. Alex Manoogian’s services to our church in Armenia and Diaspora are invaluable. And the Armenian Apostolic Church decorated with the Armenian great philanthropist not only the highest Surb Grigor Lusavorich (Saint Gregory Illuminator) Order, but also today awarded the greatest honour: Alex and Marie Manoogians’ remains were placed with high state and spiritual honours in the Mother See Holy Echmiadzin.

Alex Manoogian’s contribution in retaining the Armenian identity and also strengthening the two Armenian states is apparent. As a token of evaluation and gratitude, the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh bestowed with Artsakh Honour Order, the Republic of Armenia bestowed him with the National hero as a unique evaluation of his unique services.

Alex Manoogian’s life and activity became a unique embodiment of love and devotion towards his family, people and Homeland. So, that is why, after the end of his earthly life his work continues thanks to Louise Simone and Richard Manoogians. Returning home the great benefactor undertook his last mission with his presence and example driving to nation loving activity numerous Armenian sons as he undoubtedly had proved that the personal wealth obtains sense and value with philanthropy and devotion.

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