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Holding Free and Fair Elections Highlighted

On October 11 in National Assembly Mr. Philippe Baudin-Auliac, Political Affairs Officer of the UN Political Department, who was in regional visit in Armenia, met the parliamentary political forces. Senior Advisor to UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia, Elaine Conkievich attended the meeting.

The issues concerning the inner political situation of Armenia, the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections were in the core of the meetings.

At the meeting with the representatives of opposition - Justice, National Unity and Rule of Law factions - Mr. Stepan Demirchyan, head of Justice faction noted that in order to correctly assess the situation it is necessary turn on 2003 elections, in the result of which the society has lost the confidence towards the future elections, as those who rigged the elections. The surveys of GELAP witness that the 80% of population does not believe that fair elections will be held in Armenia. He considered necessary to reopen A1+ TV Company. Mr. Demirchyan noted that the opposition parties will continue to fight in order to hold free and fair elections. He is convinced in their victory, as the democracy is the choice of the Armenian people. Mr. Grigor Harutyunyan, secretary of Justice faction, noted that the Constitutional Court submitted 46 cases on election riggings to the Prosecutor’s Office but nobody has been punished.

As Mr. Arshak Sadoyan, member of Justice faction was convinced, in order to hold free and fair elections it is important to control the process of counting the votes in the committees, print the ballots abroad and provide electronic control towards the process of elections. Mr. Sadoyan expects the support of international community in the process of controlling the elections.

Mr. Mher Shahgeldyan, member of Orinats Yerkir/ Rule of Law also highlighted the transparency of the vote counting process and control, the presence of international observation missions, especially in the precincts, where the possibility of vote riggings is bigger. He is convinced that for political forces it is necessary to provide equal conditions in making use of electronic mass media during the whole electoral process. Mr. Shahgeldyan expressed his concern on the occasion of penetrating “black” money into political life.

Mr. Aghasi Arshalyan, member of National Unity faction also touched upon the riggings taken place in 2003 elections, noting that they passed by the half-silent consent of international organizations and embassies. As he is convinced, the use of double standards by super powers is noticeable in this issue. Mr. Arshakyan expressed hope that the international community understood that the problems that Armenia is facing would be solved only in the conditions of legal power and would help to hold free and fair elections in Armenia.

Mr. Philippe Baudin-Auliac noted that the UN highlights the holding of free and fair elections in Armenia and will follow the election process. He also called on those present to take part at the elections of local self-government bodies, which are not less important than the general elections.

Mr. Philippe Baudin-Auliac also met the representatives of RPA and ARF factions in the National Assembly.

Mr. Gagik Melikyan, secretary of RPA faction, touching upon the upcoming elections, noted that the reforms of Electoral Code are underway, which have been discussed and agreed with the political forces represented in the parliament and experts of Venice Commission. The amendments are against election riggings, and he is convinced that the pre-election process should precisely comply with the law. The Republican Party will do its best, so that the elections will be held free and fair, by law, and any they won’t allow any opposition party to make any election riggings or provoking riggings, fail the elections. Mr. Melikyan said that the powers have enough political will in order to hold free and fair elections. In his opinion, the weak parties, which know beforehand that they will lose, go to election riggings: the strong parties, as RPA, the riggings are not good.

As Mr. Gegham Manukyan, secretary of ARF faction said, at this stage the passiveness of the society is conditioned by the fact that there is still 7-8 months till elections, and it’s not clear what reshuffles in the political field: when the very process will start, then the society will get activated and politicized. Mr. Sahakyan also highlighted the holding of free and fair elections, which is the topic of public and political concern. And the opposition and power parties had their initiatives: in particular the ARF has proposed to set up a multyparty electoral headquarters, which will shape a unified view on the elections. Mr. Manukyan touched upon the amendments of Electoral Code, noting that recently the discussions of the Code with the experts of the Venice Commission, where the opposition took part, were constructive, and the contradictions have been not at the level opposition-power, but – around technical issues.

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