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The Collection Entitled “The Nagorno Karabakh Problem: Means of Settlement” Presented to the Public

On the initiative of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly, a collection of viewpoints and materials on Karabakh conflict is presented.The book summarizes the parliamentary hearings held on the Karabakh conflict in 2005, including the sounded speeches and the submitted reports.

On September 14, the presentation of the collection entitled “The Nagorno Karabakh Problem: Means of Settlement” was held in the National Assembly. Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the President of the National Assembly, Mr. Vahan Hovhanissyan, Vice President of the National Assembly, Mr. Armen Roustamyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly, MPs, Mr. Vardan Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Serge Sargsyan, Minister of Defense, representatives of international organizations and journalists participated in it. The collection was published by the support of USAID Armenia Legislative Strengthening Program (ALSP).

Mr. Armen Roustamyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations informed that the collection was comprised of not only all the materials of the hearings but also the conclusion of the committee and other valuable documents. After being presented to the political forces of the National Assembly and after the agreement with them, the conclusion tends to become a basis of the adoption of the concept of the NK conflict settlement and a basis of joint document. Mr. Armen Roustamyan considers symbolic that the presentation of the book was held just in these days, in parallel with the festivals on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of independence of Armenia, noting that the idea and way of our independence are reflected in the book. The Committee Chairman is confident that the book will be useful in the sphere of both parliamentary and national diplomacy and will present the external world a united position. The collection should also promote that the Azerbaijani side try to ground conflict settlement their version with equivalent arguments, the debates to make more objective. With the representation of a whole problem it is possible to judge about the wrong and right sides or to find solutions, Armen Roustanyan considers it irrefutable.

Welcoming the initiative of the committee, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the President of the National Assembly highlighted both the hearings and its generalization in the book. He considers useful, that the important issues for the country pass such discussion, especially when the attention of the international community is great. Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that the international community has an important role in the settlement of the conflict. Though the Karabakh issue is inner but is already internationalized and takes an essential place within the framework of cooperation of Armenia with the international structures. The President of the National Assembly considers the expression of such a full approach in the political life of the country a new one. By the estimation of Mr. Tigran Torosyan the presented book is very actual today, when the conflict settlement has become a subject of public debates.

Mr. Vardan Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed an opinion that the different, sincere and bold opinions reflected in the book make it rather valuable. He also highly estimates that there are no political speculations in the book. Mr. Oskanian has characterized the collection as a message to international community about the unification of Armenian society. The Minister of Foreign Affairs expects that more serious discussions will be held around negotiation table by the publication of the book.

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