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Deputies Vote for Three Petitions of Prosecutor General on Giving Consent to Initiating Public Criminal Persecution towards NA Deputy Seyran Ohanyan
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The Chairman of the Counting Commission Narek Babayan informed that the RA Prosecutor General mediated on giving consent to initiate criminal persecution towards the deputy of the RA NA Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan. Secret ballot was held, where RA NA 68 deputies out of 107 took part. 68 ballot papers were in the ballot box, invalid ballot papers were not revealed, the votes were: 68 – for, 0 – against.

Narek Babayan informed about the Prosecutor General’s second petition that 55 deputies took part in secret ballot, who voted for it. 2 deputies from the NA Civil Contract Faction had no permission relating the state and office secret, therefore they did not take part in voting.

68 deputies took part in the third secret ballot. 68 deputies voted for the petition on giving consent to initiate criminal persecution towards Seyran Ohanyan.

The secret ballots took place on February 8.

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