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Tigran Abrahamyan: Despite the problems in the Armed Forces, the With Honor Faction voted in favor of the Defender of the Motherland project
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“The With Honor Faction voted in favor of the Defender of the Motherland project, however, I think that there are many problems in the Armed Forces. It is very important to understand what kind of environment is created with the armed forces, starting with the moral and psychological state, disciplinary problems, etc. in other words, to what extent do we generally encourage young people to join the armed forces, in this case on a contractual basis? We also see many problems in terms of the realism of the project, but as a project that supports the contractual military service in any way, we voted in favor of the project. First of all, we consider this a chance for all young people who would like to choose the contractual military service after 6 months,” Tigran Abrahamyan stated during the parliamentary briefings on November 17.

The Secretary of the With Honor Faction also presented observations regarding the certification of contract servicemen, noting that the draft related to the certification has many risks. “Any failure of certification, any manifestation of injustice in the Armed Forces will lead to a much more difficult situation than we have today,” the NA deputy said.

Tigran Abrahamyan added that, first of all, the decision of the Government that regulates the certification process is not defined in the draft, that is, on the basis of what criteria it will be carried out, according to what principles it will be carried out. Secondly, even in the case of introduction of the most fundamental and fairest mechanisms, the incentive system should be established when the basic salary is brought and raised to an appropriate level, and the bonuses for combat duty are also at an appropriate level.

“For example, if the basic salary of a patrol officer starts at 270 thousand AMD, and the salary of a contract serviceman starts at 120-125 thousand AMD, then how is it possible? that the basic salary of a person providing service in a war situation is law, and we are only trying to regulate it with an incentive system? It is not clear in any way how many servicemen will get a higher salary as a result of this certification,” the NA deputy noted.

According to Tigran Abrahamyan, the effectiveness of the project depends on how much the state actually supports the serviceman in the given situation.

Answering the journalist’s question, the Secretary of the With Honor Faction noted that the main goal of Azerbaijan is the legitimization of the occupied territories from Armenia through aggression.

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