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Concrete Steps are Necessary for the Solution of the Problems

On October 29 NA President Artur Baghdasaryan met with the representatives of the organizations being involved with information and tele-communication technologies.

Welcoming the representatives of the organizations in NA, Artur Baghdasaryan proposed to speak openly about the problems in order to have effective meeting. He noted that in Armenia the sphere of the information technologies is considered prior, so the National Assembly, as a legislative power, is ready to promote the development of the system. NA President also noted that there is good potential in the country for the development of the sphere, making as a reference the exhibition “Hi-tech 2005” of high technologies organized in the Innovative Experimental Art Centre (IEAC) lately. NA President informed that the parliament is ready to organize and finance the international exhibition-conference being organized in autumn of 2006. It was noted that there is and agreement with the Senate President of the Republic of India to organize a business forum of information technologies companies. According to the agreement, next year by financing of India a center of information technologies worth up to 5mln USD will open in Armenia. The Parliament President highlighted the solution of the main problem of the people’s employment through high technologies.

As Bagrat Yengibaryan, Director of the Incubator Fund of Enterprises, ensured the role of the information technologies is great in RA economic development: a sphere, which is the 2% of GDP, it has more than hundred organizations, 4000 research workers, where the average annual growth is about 15%. Mr. Yengibaryan indicated two main problems: Is the sphere used as an instrument for the development of economy and economic market and how is it developed in the international market. Bagrat Yengibaryan finds that serious reforms are necessary in the sphere of education with the aim of preparing specialists. According to him, consistent steps must be made for the increase of the local market.

Hovik Musaelyan, Executive Director of “Synopsis Armenia SG” company, informed that, according to preliminary data, in Armenia technologies of 1bn USD have been incvested through international corporations, some part of which operate in the shadow. According Mr. Musaelyan, the sphere should be observed as an instrument of development of economy branches. According to his observations, the situation of the economy obliges to give tax privileges to the local market: many specialists of this sphere avoid from additional expenditures and accept cheap demands. Hovik Musaelyan informed that in “Synopsis SG” company 350 engineers work, 160 students will fill in the list of employees. They spoke about the problems of re-training of the specialists in the higher educational institutions.

As Andranik Alexanyan, Chairman of “Arminco” company, thinks in RA there is a working big potential, which is not used: possibilities for working should be created for the employees of the marzes. Mr. Alexanyan considered an obstacle of development of economy of the country the activity of “Armentel,” proposing to specify the rights of “Armentel” and liberalize the order of exit, which will promote the improvement of the Internet line, elaboration of right mechanisms and increase of jobs.

Mher Markosyan, Chairman of the Research Institute of Yerevan communication means, considered an important impetus of the development of the sphere the bank sphere and specification of cadre policy. According to him, the means given to the universities by the state are not sufficient for the preparation of the cadres, and the level of technical preparation is low.

Vladimir Yeghiazaryan, representative of the Russian-Armenian Slavonic State University, informed that there is great tendency of ageing of the cadres in the higher educational institutions and there is practically no re-training of lecturers.

At the end of the meeting NA President Artur Baghdasaryan noted that as a Parliament President and RA citizen, he is greatly interested in the development of the sphere and is sure that the problems should be solved by making concrete steps. Mr. Baghdasaryan said that the sphere of the information technologies can boost the development of the economy branches. It was proposed to create a working group, which will be involved in the solution of the current and strategic problems. According to Parliament President, discussions can be organized for the solution of the information technologies with the participation of the head of the customs state service, Minister of Science and Education. They noted about the organization of international conference-exhibition in 2006 with the participation of the representatives of international organizations. Those contacts will create a possibility for going into international market. In connection with the value added tax the inclusion of the list of the equipment, Artur Baghdasaryan promised, in case of presenting the proposals, make legislative amendments in the law in force. According to him: “There are a lot of difficulties, but we should not get into despair, as the world belongs to the optimists, the pessimists are only observers. The future of our country and the people is not in despair, but in hope and progress.”

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