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Work of RA NA Regular Sittings Ended
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On May 12, the RA National Assembly continued the work of the regular sittings. The parliament passed by voting the bills debated on the previous day, after which the debate the Annual Programme on the Activities of the RA Human Rights Defender (HRD), the Situation of the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms during 2019 and the Annual Report on the Activities of the RA Human Rights Defender of 2019 as National Preventive Mechanisms.

The MPs continued to voice their viewpoints on the documents, touched upon the formulations on the women’s rights in it, the swearing sounding to their address on social platforms, their rights as well as political issues. Critical words were also addressed to human Rights Defender: some deputies accused him in partiality, noting also the shortcomings of the report. The MPs have referred to the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse and has noted that it is directed to the protection of children and protecting them from violence, and some voiced viewpoints at least arise doubt.

They also related to other issues, as for example, badly spending of the state budget for many years before the Velvet Revolution, when some state departments have paid to some mass media for publishing positive materials on the given buyer or vice versa for keeping silence.

The RA NA Factions expressed their viewpoints.

Naira Zohrabyan delivered a speech on behalf of the Prosperous Armenia Faction. She referred to the item of the protection of women’s rights and the physical violence being committed towards the women in some families, considering necessary to undertake steps for changing some women’s way of thinking, which in its turn would increase their protection from domestic violence. The member of the Faction positively assessed the issue of violence towards women in the GRD report. According to her, in contrast to this case the real statistics would not be revealed.

Naira Zohrabyan as the MP Mkhitar Hayrapetyan considered necessary to take steps for increasing the media literacy among the citizens, particularly among the journalists.

Vladimir Vardanyan expressed the position of My Step Faction on the documents under debate. The MP highlighted the availability of the HRD Institute, noting that it had begun functioning more freely in our country after the Velvet Revolution.

The MP evaluated the discussion of the problems connected with human rights and touched upon the HRD’s visits to prisons.

Vladimir Vardanyan also touched upon the controversial Convention ratified the day before, deeming painful the noise created around it. He positively assessed the cooperation between the HRD Office and the NA, expressing confidence that it would be continuous and effective.

The RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan also related to the work of the HRD Office, He particularly evaluated the work of the HRD Office and the Ombudsman’s comprehensive report, as well as the achievements recorded in the sphere of protection of human rights.

Ararat Mirzoyan urged the mass media to protect the human rights and while publishing photos cover the faces, so the identification would not be possible.

By the way, the NA Speaker made this appeal, as in her speech the deputy Naira Zohrabyan was showing photos of women subjected to violence.

The Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan delivered his concluding speech, regarding the MPs’ questions and criticism. Let us note that he also emphasized the ratification of the abovementioned Convention. The Ombudsman underscored the effective cooperation existing with the parliament and holding of great number of parliamentary hearings by the latter.

At the end of the sitting, the RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan informed that two legislative initiatives remained without debate among the agenda items, which authored the deputies of the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction. And, as the Faction has boycotted the NA sittings after the incident happened in the NA Session Hall between the RA NA deputies Sasun Mikayelyan and Edmon Marukyan on May 8, then the debate of those draft laws is postponed in accordance with the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly until two months.

Thus, covering the debate of the agenda items the parliament ended the work of the regular sittings.

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