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Works of 54th Plenary Session of PABSEC Summarized
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At November 26 press conference, the Head of the RA NA delegation to the PABSEC Babken Tunyan, the NA Deputy Speakers Vahe Enfiajyan, the deputies Anush Begloian and Artak Manukyan presented the details of the PABSEC 54th Plenary Session held in Sofia on November 19-21.

As Babken Tunyan has assured, the agenda of the Session was full, and heated discussions were held on various issues. At the Meeting of the PABSEC Standing Committee, the Bulgarian and Romanian delegations made two proposals related to the change in the number of delegations and the works of the secretariat. The Armenian side offered to refrain from changing the numbers, which was accepted by other delegations.

The sides also touched upon the PABSEC 53rd Plenary Session convened in Baku. The Armenian delegation did not attend the session. The Azeri delegates, according to the speaker, made unacceptable expressions towards Armenia. The NA Deputy Speaker Vahe Enfiajyan touched upon this issue in detail at the PABSEC Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee in Giresun, Turkey.

The Armenian delegation approved the minutes of the PABSEC 53rd Session with reservation. It has been noted that the PABSEC is not a platform for political manipulation. Babken Tunyan highly appreciated the work of the delegation and stated that the Armenian side has given a new and fresh breath to the activity of the structure.

The NA Vice President Vahe Enfiajyan underlined the importance of the large-scale and united works of the Armenian delegation. At the Meeting of the Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee he presented the economic attractiveness of our country, the opportunities for new investments, reforms of the legislative field and the political developments. The MP also touched upon the peculiarities of the closed borders of the region, considering unacceptable the blockade of Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan which, according to him, contradicts the logic and ideology of the international organization.

The MP Artak Manukyan also made reports. He also stressed the fact that the PABSEC is not a political but - an international economic body. The MP referred to the economic problems, noting that the average economic growth of the BSEC Member States in the last ten years is 1.8%, while the average growth in the world is 2.5%. According to him, the PABSEC budget for 2020 is about 1.8 million Euros - Armenia pays about 66.000 Euros. It is important to consider the purpose and efficiency of the budget expenditures, as well as the accountability.

Babken Tunyan also informed that Anush Begloian was elected the PABSEC Vice President. All member states confirmed her candidacy by signing. “This fact is a reflection of Armenia's growing role in the organization and the result of teamwork,” the PABSEC newly elected Vice President said. According to her, for the first time since the last parliamentary elections, Armenia occupies a leading position in the inter-parliamentary organization, which is an achievement of the parliamentary diplomacy of Armenia.

The speakers also answered to the attendees’ questions.

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