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Key Problems of Tavush Marz in the Centre of Attention

On April 30, continuing the tradition of working visits to the marzes of Armenia, on way back to Yerevan from Tbilisi, Artur Baghdasaryan, President of the National Assembly was in Tavush marz, having meetings in Noyemberian, Ijevan and Dilijan.

At the House of Culture in Noyemberian Artur Baghdasaryan began the meeting with the people informing briefly about the visit to Georgia, then touched upon the improvements taking place in the country. President of the National Assembly Artur Baghdasaryan informed that serious reforms are implemented in the spheres of education, healthcare, agriculture, and told in detail about the goals of those reforms and the problems, which will be solved with those reforms.

The residents were interested in the issue of eliminating the consequences of 1997 earthquake. Armen Ghularyan, the marz governor answered that the works done in that direction are delayed but two years ago a lot of work has been done by 1bn 50mln allocated by state budget, 1624 families were supported. The families got assistance for the houses of the 4th and 5th class damage. There are houses of 3rd class damage not only in Noyemberian, but in different marzes of the republic, and today the government studies the matter.

NA Speaker added that all non-complete facilities of the republic are going to make inventory, and a sum is envisaged in the state budget for bringing to an end.

The residents of Noyemberian complained of the quality of communication in the town. NA Speaker noted that after the penetration of the second cell operator into the market of communication of Armenia the competition will promote the improvement of the quality of the communication, especially the cell communication.

To the proposal of the residents of Noyemberian to set up a committee of human rights, he answered that the institute of human rights was newly set up in our country, it will get gradually get developed and will have representations in the marzes.

The residents of Noyemberian expressed dissatisafaction that they can’t cultivate the lands, and asked for the sowings. The marz governor informed that 10mln drams were allocated by state budget to support the peasants, from which 5mln was allocated for getting potatoes and 5mln – for the sowing of autumn wheat. The potato sowing has already been delivered to the peasants, and the wheat sowing will be delivered in autumn. Elaborating on the early breakup of the coalition, NA Speaker noted:

“This news is exaggerated. The coalition is a unification of three parties, and each of them has its approaches over different matters. By now we are able to come to an agreement over the anticipated problems, but we should understand that each party has its strategy and tactics. I think that it’s positive that it’s the first time that after the elections the parties got united in Armenia.”

The people, who were concerned at creating jobs, Artur Baghdasaryan informed that this year for the first time 500mln Drams were allocated in the state budget for the development of small and medium enterprises: the entrepreneurs can get credits with privileged conditions.

As the questions were many, the Parliament Speaker promised that on May 5 that the employees of NA staff will organize reception in the marz.

By the NA Speaker’s promotion 10 computers were allocated to YSU Ijevan branch. The Parliament Speaker participated at the opening of the computer center, met the lecturers and students of the higher educational branch.

Samvel Arakelyan, rector of the branch asked for the establishment of ties with European higher educational institutions, and in response to that, the Parliament Speaker proposed to specify the spheres. The issue of adding places by state demand was raised for having more local students in the branch.

The students were interested in the steps being undertaken for providing quorum at NA sittings.

“In our parliament we have really MPs, who conscientiously don’t attend NA sittings. In the Georgian parliament they have made an amendment in the Rules of Procedure, according to which, they keep back from the salary of the deputy not taking part at the sittings. The deputy’s salary there is about three times more than our deputy’s salary, but the salary is not low here too. I think that it’s also necessary to apply punitive measures towards those absent. We won’t achieve results in that way: that money won’t cause big problems for many MPs, but we should make certain steps at legislative level.

Today, about 25% of the MPs are businessmen, who are not always able to take part at the sittings, and the opposition, who have been boycotting the NA activities for 2 years. That’s why we have cases of lack of quorum time and again. I think that opposition too should take part at NA activities because the people sent the MP to work. One can boycott the activities of the parliament 1 or 6 months by political reasons, but is it reasonable, let’s say to boycott for 4 years? In that case, perhaps, it’s better to refuse the MP mandate. One shouldn’t boycott forever.”

In Dilijan state college too a computer center was opened. During the meeting with residents of Dilijan the issue of granting Dilijan a status of resort town was again touched upon. Artur Baghdasaryan informed that in the parliament the law “On Resort Towns,” by which the problem will be solved.

During the meeting lasted for several hours in the house of Dilijan dozens of questions were directed to NA Speaker and answered – beginning from local problems to the all country and world policy.

Answering the questions, NA Speaker touched upon the problems of air communication of Armenia, the fluctuations of the dollar and its consequences, return of deposits, agricultural programmes, implementation of credit programmes, etc…

The visits to marzes are the key that give opportunity to have immediate and clear picture of the people’s problems, help in spot by an advice or in practice, which is not less important because as the residents of Tavush noted they should be aware of their rights they are going to defend. Besides, during the visits to the marzes the legislative gaps and necessary amendments in the acting laws are specified, which later become new laws, and emanating from all this NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan promised the residents of Tavush to visit the marz again.

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