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Speech by President of House of Representatives of Republic of Cyprus at Sitting of National Assembly Demetris Syllouris
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In response to your warm invitation with joy and great respect the delegation of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus led by me is in Armenia and today I am giving a speech in the parliament of the friendly country. I am having double joy that our compatriot, Mr Vardkes Mahdessian, the representative of the Armenians' religious group in the House of Representatives, is a member of our delegation. We deeply appreciate Vardkes Mahdessian's valuable contribution to the works of the parliament and the further development of our relations.

First of all, I would like to congratulate the proud Armenian people and the authorities of Armenia on the 100th anniversary of the independence of the First Republic: an anniversary that you are going to celebrate in a few days. With this visit I want to fulfill my wish - to have my contribution in any way in the strengthening of excellent relations between our parliaments – long-lasting brotherly relations on the basis of which the common historical, religious and cultural roots are laid, and those relations are strengthened due to our common devotion to the principles of democracy, justice and peace. Those are the principles and convictions which let us overcome and get out of every crisis and challenges sometimes facing is (to some extent and today).

The relations between our peoples are also excellent. In hard conditions the relations of our two peoples, who had become victims of the Turkish aggression and invasion, had always been full of manifestations of support and solidarity. After the settlement in Cyprus those who survived from the Armenian Genocide gained a new Motherland and brothers who accepted them and showed support. Since that time in Cyprus the Armenian Diaspora is considered an inseparable part of the society of Cyprus, promoting the progress and development of our country's cultural, social, economic and political life.

I express my gratitude on the occasion of the brilliant cooperation in the bilateral, as well as international parliamentary formats existing between the House of Representatives and the RA National Assembly, our delegations function on the basis of mutual understanding and mutual support.

Cyprus actively supports Armenia and the Armenian people. Cyprus is the second country in the world and the first in Europe that recognized the Armenian Genocide. At the very first chance Cyprus raises its voice for the benefit of the Armenian brothers’ efforts: for the wider recognition of the horrible crime of genocide. The House of Representatives set out April 24 as Remembrance Day of Genocide, adopted three resolutions condemning the Genocide, condemning three resolutions, and in 2015 criminalized the denial of the genocides of the Armenians, as well as the others.

Being the victim of the same criminal, Cyprus has already been fighting for the restoration of justice, freedom of the Motherland, reunion and the returning to their homes. Cyprus seeks to solve the Cypriot problem

Turkey uses the Turkish-Cypriot community politically economically completely controlling it and using as a pretext for substantiating its presence in Cyprus. The latter, violating the international law and especially the law of Sea, intervenes into the unique economic zone of the Republic of Cyprus, creating an atmosphere of fear, tries to impede by force the implementation of the energy programmes of Cyprus, endangers the peace and the stability in the region. This is the diplomacy of Turkey.

The Cypriot is faithful to the fair and vital solution of the problem based on the UN relevant resolutions and European law, free from early guarantees and relations of dependence: a solution that will make Cyprus modern, natural, vital and functioning state. Taking an advantage once again I express the gratitude of Cyprus and the people of Cyprus to your country for the long-lasting support, as well as to the position of Armenia’s principle for the solution of the problem of Cyprus. Our struggle is common, and we will continue to take steps hand in hand for positive result.

Regarding the ambitious goal of Armenia is to have firm relations with the EU, I assure you Mr President and dear colleagues that you can rely on the stable relations of Cyprus. With regards to Nagorno Karabakh we recognize and acknowledge the sincere efforts directed to the peace and stability in the region. We back the dialogue process, free from the use of force with the mediation of the Minsk Group. We consider that the peaceful solution of the problem is the only way that can give viable results.

Distinguished RA NA President,

Distinguished RA NA Members,

Dear friends, brothers,

I express my warm thankfulness to you for kind invitation, warm reception and hospitality. I am sure that this visit will more strengthen the cooperation between our parliaments and I am hopeful that together we’ll lay the basis for further cooperation in different spheres between our countries.

I would like implementation of kind goals, social progress, prosperity and welfare to the Republic of Armenia and brotherly Armenian people.

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