With the Perspective of Developing Armenian-Swedish Relations

Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA President, on June 7 received Johan Molander, newly appointed Ambassador of Sweden in Armenia. Vladimir Karmirshalyan, RA Ambassador in Sweden, was also present at the meeting.

Congratulating the Ambassador for tenure, NA President A. Baghdasaryan informed him about the process of amendments in Armenia referring to the process of Constitutional amendments. NA Speaker noted that the inclusion of Armenia in EU, New Neighbourhood programme creates new opportunities of deepening the democratic amendments and the development of economy. In this way it is important for Armenia to have both the Swedish experience, especially referring to the legislation, and the support of Sweden.

Johan Molander, Ambassador of Sweden in Armenia, highlighting the role of Armenia, expressed the readiness of his country to support both the process of amendments and the development programmes. In his opinion, the Constitution and the legislation corresponding to EU standards will open new perspectives for the progress of Armenia supporting also the increase of investments. They mutually highlighted also the effective work of the Swedish Development Agency in Armenia.