NKR NA President Ashot Ghulyan Sends a Congratulatory Message to Galust Sahakyan on Being Elected President of the RA National Assembly
On April 29 the NKR National Assembly President Ashot Ghulyan sent a congratulatory message to Galust Sahakyan on the occasion of being elected President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.The message, in particular, says:“I am convinced that the election of you, the experienced pol...

Galust Sahakyan is Elected President of the National Assembly
On April 29 the parliament continued the work of the four-day sittings. Before voting the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Approval of Annual and Complex Measures on Restoration, Conservation, Reproduction and Use of Lake Sevan Ecosystem” debated on the previous day the Chairman of the State Committe...

Biography of the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan
Born on April 8, 1948 in Yerevan. 1971 - Graduated from the Yerevan State University. Philologist. 1970-1972 - Metalworker in the Yerevan Silk Complex. 1972-1991 - Teacher at School # 30, the Deputy Principal at School # 94, School # 153, Principal at School # 3 and School # 185. 1991-1996 – Deputy ...