
Alen Simonyan at reception of 75th anniversary of National Day of the Republic of India: Democracy and constitutionality are laid in the basis of the centuries-old friendship of the peoples of two countries
On January 26, the President of the RA National Assembly Alen Simonyan took part in the solemn reception dedicated to the 75th anniversary of National Day of the Republic of India in Armenia.Welcoming the attendees, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia Nilakshi Saha S...

Problem of stray animals in Armenia and solution options discussed in Parliament
We have many security problems in our country, along with which there are also issues that require an urgent solution. One of them is the problem of stray animals: the deputy of the RA NA Armenia Faction Aregnaz Manukyan said at the discussion titled the problem of stray animals in Armenia and the s...

Arusyak Julhakyan gives a speech at PACE Session: Ensuring media freedom is the commitment of the Council of Europe member states to democracy, human rights
The RA NA deputy, the Member of the NA delegation to PACE Arusyak Julhakyan gave a speech at the Assembly Session. The Armenian parliamentarian said: “Dear colleagues,As Council of Europe member states, we have committed ourselves to upholding the principles of human rights, democracy, and the rule ...

Vagharshak Hakobyan meets with businessmen from Kazakhstan
On January 26, the Head of the NA Armenia-Kazakhstan Friendship Group, the Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration Vagharshak Hakobyan met with the businessmen from the Republic of Kazakhstan. Welcoming the businessmen who visited Armenia for the first time, Vagha...