
Meeting in Parliament
                                     On June 19 the RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan accepted the NKR Parliamentary...

The NA Speaker Accepted the Assembly Delegates
                On June 19 the NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan had meetings with the delegation of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly. The NA Speaker discussed with Angelo Pollina, the delegate of Italy is...

The First Sitting of the Presidium of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly
On June 19, after the end of the activities of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly, the sitting of the Chairman of the Assembly and the co-chairmen of the six committees was held. By the proposal of Artur Baghdasaryan, the Chairman of the Assembly, the procedure of further activities of t...

The Activities of the first Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly Ended
On June 19, the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly continued its activities and discussed the issues related to the economic and social policy pursued in Armenia. Gagik Minasyan, the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs, noted in his ...