
Parliamentary Briefings: With Honor Faction
The Secretary of the NA With Honor Faction Tigran Abrahamyan gave an introductory speech during the parliamentary briefings following the NA sittings, and then answered the questions of the media representatives....

Parliamentary Briefings: Civil Contract Faction
During the parliamentary briefings following the NA sittings, the Secretary of the Civil Contract Faction Artur Hovhannisyan and the Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Andranik Kocharyan answered the journalists’ questions....

Alen Simonyan Receives President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
On April 15, the President of the RA National Assembly Alen Simonyan received the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.Welcoming the President of Kazakhstan in the National Assembly, Alen Simonyan expressed his solidarity to the friendly Kazakh people in confronting the floo...

Parliamentary Briefings: Armenia Faction
The deputies Artur Khachatryan and Anna Grigoryan from Armenia Faction took part in the parliamentary briefings following the NA sittings. They first gave an introductory speech and then answered the journalists' questions....

It is proposed to make addendum to Law on RA Holidays and Memorial Days
The regulation is conditioned by the necessity of commemorating the genocide against the Yazidi nation, honoring the memory of the innocent victims, and increasing the awareness of the human disaster by a wide range of society. The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights...

Extraordinary Sitting of National Assembly to be convened on April 16, at 11:00
Taking as a basis the initiative of the deputies of the National Assembly on convening an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly and the NACD-23-L, being led by Article 100 of Constitution and Article 41 of the constitutional law NA Rules of Procedure, by the RA NA President’s decision an ex...

NA Extraordinary Sitting to be convened by consent of Council of National Assembly
On April 15, the Council of the National Assembly of Armenia convened an extraordinary sitting. The Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan presided over it.The NA Council gave consent to convene an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly by the agenda established by the initiator and within its ...