
NA Deputies Debate the Petition of Giving Consent to Including Vardan Oskanyan as Defendant
On October 1 the National Assembly began the next four-day sittings with approving the agendas of the session and four-day sittings, then passed the two bills debated in the previous four-day sittings. The NA deputies continued the debate of the protocol “On Deploying Entities of Military Sub-Commit...

Delegation Led by the Yezidis’ Spiritual Leader in the National Assembly
On October 1 the Vice President of the RA National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov met with a delegation led by Mire-Mira Takhsin Beg, the Yezidis' spiritual leader. Welcoming the visit of the delegation to the National Assembly, Eduard Sharmazanov noted that the Armenian and Yezidi nations have histori...

Message by RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan on International Day of Older Persons
Dear compatriots, dear representatives of senior generation,I cordially congratulate you on the International Day of Older Persons,This day proclaimed by UNESCO, in fact, is the day of not only older persons, but also all generations, as a symbol of the generations’ unity and continuity of time.Our ...

Meeting of the Vice President of the FRG Bundestag with the Chairmen of the NA Committees
On October 1 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan and the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gagik Minasyan met with the Vice President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Wolfgang Thierse.Wel...

NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Receives the Vice President of FRG Bundestag
On October 1 the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan visited the FRG Vice President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse.The RA NA President highly appreciated the current level of the Armenian-German relations, noting that the political dialogue with Germany was highlighted both in bilateral and multilat...

Head of Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Meets with Vice President of the FRG Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse
On October 1 Artak Davtyan, Head of Armenia-Germany Friendship Group had a meeting with Wolfgang Thierse, Vice President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG).Welcoming the Vice President of the Bundestag in the Armenian Parliament, Artak Davtyan has noted that the Armenian side ...