
Ambassador of Japan to Armenia hosted in Parliament
On April 1, the members of Armenia-Japan Friendship Group of the National Assembly met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Armenia Aoki Yutaka.Welcoming the newly appointed Ambassador in Parliament, the Head of Armenia-Japan Friendship Group Babken Tunya...

Hanami Festival celebrated in NA Park
We again do not break our traditions and we celebrate the Hanami Festival in the National Assembly Park. Taking the advantage, I would like to congratulate you, Mr Ambassador, on holding this responsible position and to wish you successes in this important job: The Head of Armenia-Japan Friendship G...

Legislative initiative aimed at rise of control efficiency towards payments of indirect taxes
The purpose of the designing amendments is the rise of control efficiency towards the improvement of the legal relations connected with the exchange of information in electronic form between tax bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union on payments of indirect taxes. At April 1 sitting ...