RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan’s Congratulatory Message on Army Day
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“Dear compatriots, I congratulate you on Army Day.

More than a quarter century ago our army was established, when our unity was at its peak, due to which the rear of the freedom fighter, voluntary and soldier creating victories in Artsakh was firm, due to which peace was forced to the adversary, due to which not only our faith was strengthened towards future, but also the Armenian second state was liberated and born.

Our army is an army creating peace and maintaining peace, ensuring reliable defense, but also an army ready for a victorious attack. Our soldier is peace worshipper, but also not tolerating encroachments, well-informed about the ancestors’ victory and building his own victory, knowing the price of the Motherland and raising the credit of the Motherland, knowing the price of the land and never refusing the land. For that very land, the Motherland, the soldier and the officer of the Armenian army have served and are serving their skills and knowledge, their vehemence and spirit, they have not only contributed blood and sweat, but also sacrificed their life for land and Motherland.

Providing peace in the borders, ensuring our security, the Armenian army obliges us to be unified, because with unity we multiply the strength of the army, because with unity the peace is crumbly, the state is shaky, the progress is temporary. We are obliged with unity and solidarity to provide peaceful service for the soldier of the Armenian army, because the peace that it provides for our country, for our families is priceless, because the lack of peace can be fatal for every nation and state.

I wish peace will be permanent both in our borders, inside our country, inside all of us. Our soldier sends a message with earned right from his position and military base, trench and military unit to be united, and we have no right not to be consolidated.

Let every day of our army open with peace, and if it is breached, let it be breached by fireworks of our next victory, exclamation of victory, and victory salvo,” the RA NA President’s message reads.