
RA NA Speaker Congratulates the Female MPs
On March 7 the RA National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan met the female MPs. Congratulating them on March 8 - Women’s Day, Mr Nikoyan wished them health, success, happiness and fruitful activity.The female MPs thanked the NA Speaker for attention, warm wishes, appreciation of their work and c...

Eduard Sharmazanov Discussed the NK Settlement Process with the Vice President of the Lithuanian Seimas Erikas Tamašauskas .
On March 6 the RA Parliamentary delegation led by the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov, being on a working visit in Lithuania met the Vice President of the Lithuanian Seimas Erikas Tamašauskas in Vilnius. Discussing issues relating to the effective cooperation between the parliaments of the two ...

RA National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan Takes Part in the Concert of “Nazani” Song Ensemble
On March 6 the RA National Assembly Speaker in G. Sundukyan National Academic Theatre building took part in the concert of “Nazani" Song Ensemble led by the RA Honuorable Artist Arus Gulanyan. Acclaimed singers and beloved dance groups also performed.The concert dedicated to the Maternity and Beauty...