At January 15 sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport debated in the second reading the draft law On Making Addenda and Amendments to the law On the Basics of Cultural Legislation.
According to the key rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Daniel Danielyan, after passing the draft law in the first reading, it was revised.
A new definition of culture was enshrined in the draft law, based on international conventions, declarations, as well as the directions of the cultural strategy approved by the RA Government.
The definitions of ‘self-employed or independent creator’ and ‘engaged in cultural activities’ have also been specified, as well as the goals and functions of the Cultural Development Foundation.
The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Taguhi Ghazaryan also presented proposals.
The Committee also debated the draft law On Making Amendments and Addenda to the law On Physical Education.
The RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Zhanna Andreasyan noted that during the period from the first to the second reading ‘fitness,’ fitness centre’ and ‘gym’ definitions were clarified.
Specifications were also made in the authorizing norms.
The Committee endorsed the debated draft laws.