On January 16, at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport the draft law On Ratifying the Statute of the Asian Alliance for Cultural Heritage was debated in the first reading.
The RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Artur Martirosyan presented the Statute adopted on April 25, 2023.
The Alliance was established in 2021. It is an inter-governmental cooperation mechanism established by Asian countries based on the principles of voluntary participation, equality, mutual respect and benefit, aimed at implementing the Asian Initiative for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The goal is to develop capacities for the conservation and use of cultural heritage, as well as to coordinate the long-term preservation of cultural heritage throughout Asia.
“The alliance is designed to support the implementation of joint projects in the spheres of cultural heritage conservation and management in Asia,” Artur Martirosyan said. He noted that the work of the Alliance is organized in the form of conferences, forums and various events in the sphere of cultural heritage, through the promotion of cooperation aimed at professional training and capacity building.
“It is expected that the Asian Alliance for Cultural Heritage will become a new platform for the exchange of best practices, as well as contribute to the popularization of Armenian cultural heritage,” the key rapporteur said, proposing the MPs to vote for the draft.
The draft was endorsed.