One of the important priorities of the government’s activities is the policy aimed at youth, the basis of which is the creation of favourable conditions and an environment for the development of young people and their self-realization: The RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Artur Martirosyan said and presented the necessity of having a law on Youth Policy.
According to the rapporteur, the state youth policy is defined by the initiative. It was noted that by adopting the law the role of state policy will increase among youth, and an opportunity will be created to implement more effective administration, thanks to which all those interested involved in the youth sector will participate in the policy being implemented within the framework of legislatively established regulations.
The law specifies the subjects of youth policy, defines the main actors in the sector, their functions, powers and obligations, as well as stipulates the regulations for having a joint youth body, and provides a legislative basis for the introduction of the youth worker system and legislative regulations coordinating the activities of the formation of youth centres.
As Artur Martirosyan informed, the action plan of the government until 2026 designs to have 25 youth centres.
According to the Deputy Minister, numerous debates were held on the initiative with the participation of the young people, the representatives of the civil society and international partners.
The package of bills on Making Addendum On Youth Policy and On Local Self-Government and on Making Addenda and Amendment to the law on Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan in the first reading at January 15 sitting of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport and was endorsed.